
Dr Charles V Dorothy


Articles and Interviews



Background Basic information about him
The Greatest Story Never Told Beautiful, memorable article
Charles Dorothy Remembered Article in The New Millennium, Oct 1996
Interview 1975 The Worldwide News, 21 July 1975, p. 8
Interview 1974 The Worldwide News, 29 April 1974, p. 6
Information about his service in the Work

Church of God News, Southwest District, Nov 1964, p. 3

Pentecost Study Material (1974) Dr Dorothy was the chief author of this paper
Working with Sabbatarians in Chile This was in the late 1960s

The Books of Esther: Structure, Genre and Textual Integrity

His PhD dissertation which was published in 1997. It can be purchased here
Videos and Audios
Miscellaneous Information
Grave site information at Find a Grave https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/10899961/charles-verne-dorothy
A Historical and Explanatory Introduction to the Epistles of John with Interlinear and Translation His MA thesis (1961, 209pp). We are attempting to locate a copy

Letter Vs. Spirit 47 pp

The Authors of "The  Seven" 21 pp

The Spirit that Lusts to Envy 6 pp

1 Corinthians 7:36 - Father or  Suitor 10 pp

Proverbs 17 pp

Other papers he wrote that we are seeking
Theological Project authorised by HWA (1974-76) If true, it was apparently different to the STP. We are attempting to locate a copy. It may be that this morphed into the STP, it is difficult to tell. Information this here
Charles Dorothy's Ambassador Class lectures (audio tapes) We are attempting to locate them


From what can be gathered from a number of sources, Dr Dorothy entered Ambassador College in 1955 and graduated in 1958.

Later he studied for an MA at Ambassador College. The thesis title was Historical and Explanatory Introduction to the Epistles of John.

Along with others, he co-authored the book God Speaks out on the New Morality (1964).

Later, he obtained a degree from the Inter-American University, Mexico and eventually became the head of the WCG Spanish Department after Dr Benjamin Rea died (1965), which oversaw the Church's Work in Latin America and Spanish language literature. At first the Department was located in Big Sandy but moved to Pasadena in 1972.

He was noted for a theological or doctrinal project (1974-76) (apparently different to the STP) that was authorised by Herbert W Armstrong, but no one knows what happened to it.

In addition, he also taught the Epistles of Paul at Ambassador College and his classes on this and other topics were recorded but have gone missing.

Around 1979 or 1980 he pursued an accredited Ph.D. in religion at Claremont College in southern California, one of the nation's leading institutions in that field. His dissertation was on the book of Esther which was published in 1997.


One wonders whatever became of his library, papers and taped lectures.



According to Church of God News, Southwest District, Nov 1964, p. 3:


“Dr. Dorothy came to Ambassador in 1955, as a college graduate from the University of Washington. With a degree in political science and a lieutenant's commission, his ambitions pointed toward a career in the air force. The next few years brought changes beyond expectation.


Alter graduation from Ambassador in 1958, Dr. Dorothy's first assignment was to pastor the Salem and Eugene, Oregon, Churches. Alter six months another change brought him back to Pasadena where he was vitally needed to teach several classes in the college. After four summers of hard work at the Inter-American University at Saltillo, Mexico, he acquired a doctorate in Spanish.


Presently, Dr. Dorothy is Dean of Instruction at Ambassador College, Big Sandy, and teaches Spanish, international relations, two Bible classes and classical literature. He also is pastor of the Houston Church. He and his wife now have three children and the fourth on the way.”



One associate of his wrote:

"Also in 1953, Charles Dorothy, my "brother," left the University of Washington and his ROTC status and came to AC for the Fall term. He began his AC course and it soon became clear that he had a facility for languages and research. He studied and later taught Greek. He added to his Spanish toward a PhD degree, and took up Hebrew -- a glutton for punishment!" (http://www.godward.org/archives/Special%20Articles/Jon%20Hill%20Story%20Part%202.htm)


He was well loved for his warmth, humility and intelligence - all combined into a wonderful man. Apparently he could speak five languages! 

Further, it should be acknowledged that along with Raymond McNair, he was also instrumental in the doctrinal change on Pentecost (ie Monday to Sunday observance). According to The Calendar of Christ and the Apostles by C D Franklin (2004), p. 82: 

“A great controversy over whether Pentecost was on a Sunday or a Monday was raging at this time [ie 1973]. Dr. Ernest Martin had left the fellowship of the Worldwide Church of God the year before, taking a good many brethren with him. Dr, Martin, of course, believed and preached that Pentecost should be observed on Sunday, not Monday. Dr Charles Dorothy was assigned the task of researching the issue and hopefully settling the matter once and for all. His research, which supported a Sunday Pentecost observance, was completed during the days of Unleavened Bread 1974. Herbert W Armstrong accepted Dr Dorothy’s conclusions and subsequently declared that based on the evidence, Pentecost should be observed on Sunday not Monday. This research was then published in booklet form [actually in manuscript form] and sent to the ministry to explain the change to the membership.”


Doctrinal Taskforce Research Coordinator

NB: Mr Herbert Armstrong approved a taskforce, not a committee to change doctrine. This taskforce or committee was for research and recommendations. It did not make decisions. 

“…Brian Knowles (who then interfaces with Dr. Dorothy's area); Charles Dorothy, research coordinator (synthesizing new research and interfacing all material with established doctrine).  

Charles Dorothy is supported both in the new area and in his on-going compilation and synthesis of church doctrine (this latter through a separate department. Theo logical Research Project, officially established several months ago by Mr. Ted Armstrong) by Lawson Briggs, Carl Franklin and Nina Provence as regular staff.” (Extract from doctrinal taskforce details in The Bulletin, 21 June 1974, p. 192)



By Brian Knowles 

Whover heard of a Church without doctrines? And whoever heard of doctrines that were formulated by no one? Can you envision theology without theologians?  

Let's face it. The Bible is a mighty BIG book. It contains thousands of words, verses, chapters and subjects. It was written over a period of thousands of years in other languages and against long defunct cultural backdrops. Can anyone man hope to grasp the full scope and profundity of all divine revelation in his lifetime? Surely not. As the Ethiopian eunuch said to Phillip when asked if he could understand a passage from Isaiah, "How can I except some man should teach me?"  

But you can't teach until you first learn. And you can best learn if someone before you has learned.  

Nothing is more important to man than the passing on of knowledge from one generation to another. And God said that knowledge would increase dramatically in the end time . And it has - both in the world and within the Church of God. In the early years of this phase of God's Church, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong had to carry the load of biblical exegesis virtually alone. Only his faithful wife was there to assist him.  

Mr. Armstrong diligently burned the midnight oil for many months in public libraries with Bibles, translations, concordances, commentaries and various other helps digging out the original truths which are so important to us today. He studied by the hours, prayerfully, on his knees before God, seeking knowledge and understanding.  

God abundantly rewarded these efforts. Mr. Armstrong was soon led to see the truth of the Sabbath day. He came to understand the error of pagan feast days and the truth of God's Holy Days. Other truths followed as he followed the leading of the Holy Spirit in his constant, prayerful study of the Scriptures.  

God also blessed the Church with great numerical and financial increases. Soon the job became too large for Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong to handle alone. It became necessary to train more ministers and co-workers to share the load and help reap the bountiful harvest God was calling.  

Ambassador College was born!  

With the growth of the College and the addition of more and more ministers, knowledge was again increased. Other ministers were able to share the load of teaching, writing and preaching with Mr. Armstrong. 

As a result of this continued influx of Bible knowledge an ever increasing body of literature was developed. The Plain Truth magazine, the early Good News, booklets, reprints, form letters formed a healthy body of printed material. The early and late 50's saw a tremendous increase of literature.  

In the 60's the Work began to really grow up. New buildings were added. England and Big Sandy were added to the College program. The Work forged ahead with incredible growth. Many top ministers were diverted from classes and ministerial responsibilities to shoulder the ever increasing needs of administration.  

The early 70's have again seen astounding growth in knowledge of the Bible. Dozens of theses, papers and reports have been written on various subjects. More and more booklets and reprint articles were created. Tomorrow's World magazine soared from a beginning circulation of 120,000 copies to a startling 875,000 copies in just three short years! Millions of pieces were distributed by the mailing department. The demand for printed material has been tremendous. God has certainly blessed the Church with a massive influx of biblical knowledge since the College was first founded in 1947! As Solomon might have said (paraphrased version!) "Of the writing of books, reprint articles, PT articles, GN articles, TW articles, theses, dissertations and papers, there has been no end!"  

It became obvious to Mr. Ted Armstrong several years back (would you believe nine?) that it was necessary to "get a handle" on all of this material. Somehow we had to pool our accumulated knowledge; clarify our teaching on various subjects and compile it in an organized manner. But who could possibly take on such a massive, yet needed, project?  

A little less than a year ago Dr. Charles Dorothy was chosen to do so. He was placed in charge of a "Theological Project" which was to be given top priority and maximum support. He attacked the project with zeal.  

A lot has happened since that time!  

The Church has witnessed the defection of a number of ministers and lay members. Doctrine has been cited as one of the causal factors. Rather than patiently work from within the Church to bring about needed modifications in our teaching, some chose to leave and attack (directly or indirectly) from without.  

As a result, some have interpreted the present round of continuing doctrinal meetings and discussions at Headquarters as a reaction to these defectors. True, the brethren need answers to questions raised by those who have chosen to attack our doctrines. But this is not the only - or even the primary - reason for the present doctrinal discussions!  

The need for an ongoing doctrinal committee is obvious. Theoretically, the Church will never be without such a group - unless we stop growing in knowledge.  

It will always be necessary to examine the new truths God is continually revealing to the Church. The present teachings of the Church are still not compiled and organized as they should be. Christ is leading His Church through a constant process of refining, improving, understanding, examining and confirming the truths we hold.  

We are continually attempting to draw closer to the faith once delivered by Christ from God the Father. We are growing, maturing, developing all the time. New information is constantly coming to light as a by-product of the colleges and diligent personal Bible study on the part of many.  

Rather than an attempt to question and undermine our body of beliefs, the doctrinal committee is an effort to strengthen our teachings - to reconfirm them! It is a means by which we can garner (no pun intended!) our materials, organize them and present them in the most logical and palatable manner.  

The doctrinal group will continue to deal with all doctrinal questions regardless of their source , as time, money and manpower permit. Such doctrinal examinations and discussions will be dealt with in a spirit of constructiveness, order and peace. Mr. Ted Armstrong has done a fine job of coordinating doctrinal meetings so as to neutralize emotional polarizations and stick with honest, biblical objectivity. Great progress has been, and is being, made!  

The H.Q. group is currently working on healing, tithing and prophecy. As you read in a recent issue of the Bulletin, committees have been established to deal with various issues in a decent, orderly manner. We are not out to protect or harbor "sacred cows" - nor on the other hand, to undermine intrinsic Bible truth. We are interested in supporting Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, Mr. Ted Armstrong and all of our field ministry as they reach out to the world with God's precious truth. We are "running scared" of no one. Truth is truth - no matter where it comes from!  

We welcome your input on anything of a doctrinal nature, pro or con, liberal or conservative, and we sincerely request your constant, earnest prayers for the continuing success of this endeavor!” (“Why a Doctrinal Committee?” The Bulletin, 17 July, pp. 314-15:)