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Fair Chance of Salvation for all. A History

What is the fair chance doctrine?

This may be best explained by Herbert W Armstrong:

“… our loved ones who have died unsaved in all probability did not die LOST! In all probability they were not called, during this age. But their call is coming later! They shall be resurrected back to life, and given their fair chance!” (Herbert W Armstrong, Predestination – Does the Bible Teach It? page 21). In his book Mystery of the Ages he develops the doctrine of God's fairness for everyone further (pages 128-132).

Also In Pagan Holidays - or God’s Holy Days – Which? he also explains it: 

Only a very, very few have been truly saved in this dispensation. One third of all living on earth today have never even heard the only name whereby we may be saved! Are they- the majority of all living, eternally lost because they never heard- lost and condemned without a chance? The common teaching is that God has cast away His people Israel, and they are eternally doomed and lost. Had they been keeping these annual holy days, commanded to be kept forever-all kept faithfully by the New Testament Church as recorded in Acts and in church history-they would have understood God's wonderful plan." (page 30) 

"This eighth day, which immediately follows the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles, pictures the completion of the plan of redemption. It is just prior to the new heaven and the new earth. All-parents and children, young and old- will be resurrected. Notice that the "book of life"-typifying salvation-is opened (Rev. 20:12). Revelation presents the final view of the "judgment day" as the present material heaven and earth are perishing-and the faithful are receiving their eternal reward at the throne of Christ. The wicked- those who disobey- are seen perishing in the lake of fire! What a marvelous plan! All will have an equal opportunity." (page 48) [further information on the development of other Worldwide Church of God doctrines here]

NB: Tens of billions of humans have come and gone since c4000BC and will be resurrected by God sequentially to offer them salvation. See this information on how many have lived and died, though an adjustment should be made to commence the calculation from c4000BC.

Background and Historical Development of the Doctrine

Article or book or Information


Partial listing of old Worldwide Church of God literature on the subject  
Suggested reading for research purposes  
Who Taught Herbert W Armstrong by J Phillip Arnold Published in the final edition of The Journal: shows similarities between Russell's and HWA's teaching on this subject
History of the Fair Chance Doctrine by Craig White Update of previous research since the early/mid 1970s on how HWA came to understand this truth
The Doctrinal Heritage of the Church of God in the Nineteenth Century by Craig White How the fair chance and other doctrines were revived and came into the end-time Church of God
Original articles by Craig White Reseached in the 1970s and gradually updated over the years
Salvation for All Mankind by Bob Dick Sermon


Old Books and Nineteenth Century Research on the Doctrine

Article or book or Information


The Kingdom of God by Henry Dunn (1801-78) Instrumental in reviving this key doctrine
The Destiny of the Human Race by Henry Dunn Instrumental in reviving this key doctrine
Hope for Our Race by Jacob Blaine (1880-1906)  Instrumental in reviving this key doctrine
The Bible Examiner - articles by George Storrs (1796-1879) Quoted in the History of the Fair Chance Doctrine
Articles by Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916) Quoted in the History of the Fair Chance Doctrine
Other advocates of the doctrine: Charles Ryba, Arlen F Rankin, Charles G Finney, Allen Hudson, Gilbert Cranmer and others Referred to in the History of the Fair Chance Doctrine
The Plan of Redemption by I C Wellcome (1818-1895) and C Goud (1805-1906) Referred to in the History of the Fair Chance Doctrine
The Intermediate State between Death and Judgment by Herbert Luckock (1833-1909) Referred to in the History of the Fair Chance Doctrine
God's Plan of Salvation by J M Stephenson (1800s) Referred to in the History of the Fair Chance Doctrine

Partial Listing of old Worldwide Church of God articles on the fair chance doctrine


Suggested Reading for research purposes