Ambassador College
Church History
Lecture 8
Eusebius/Constantine/Council of Nicea
A. Probably ends about 1OO-1O2 A.D.
B. Because of Polycarp's direct contact with John, some think that this era should end with him
1. After Polycarp we enter the second era
2. Rev 2:8 describes it:
"I know your works and tribulation,
and poverty, but you are rich (spiritually) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews (God's people)
and are not, (he is a Jew who is one inwardly) but are of the synagogue of Satan."
C. The Diocletian persecution occurs during this time
D. Rev 2:1O describes this:
"And you shall have tribulation ten days."
E. Ezek 4:6 a day for a yr. = 1O years
1. From the time of Nero there were 1O persecutions
2. One of these is referred to here from 3O3-313 A.D.
a. This was the 1Oth and final persecution
b. It was against true Christians and false
c. Eusebius provides
us with the best history of this time
II. EUSEBIUS - 264-340 A.D.
A. Which one?
1. Dozens listed in encyclopedia.
2. Eusebius of Caesarea.
B. Earliest Catholic historian - "Father
of church history".
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica 11th edition:
"He believed that he was living at the beginning of
a new age, and he felt that it was a fitting time, when the old order of things was passing away, to put on record
for the benefit of posterity the great events which had occurred during the generations that were past." p.
C. Early life:
1. Born 264 A.D. in Palestine
2. Family - unknown.
3. Youth in city of Caesarea.
4. Baptized in Caesarea.
a. Caesarea - center of "Christian
b. He introduced Alexandrian
views at Caesarea
D. Education:
1. Taught by Pam Philus.
2. Ingrained with Alexandrian approach.
3. Given surname Pam Phili.
E. Ordained in Caesarea.
F. Events:
1. 303 A.D. - Diocletian became exiled.
2. 313 A.D. - ordained as the new Bishop
of Caesarea.
a. Edict of Milan ensued by Constantine
- Toleration edict
3. Had extreme admiration for Constantine.
4. Dr. Arias was originator of the controversy,
which caused Constantine to convince Council of Nicea.
5. 318 A.D. - Arian Controversy - dispute
over relationship with Christ to God.
a. Taught Christ not divine -
b. Eusebius sympathized with
c. Dealt with at Council of Nicea
6. Eusebius was active at Council of Nicea...
Gave opening address
b. Leader of semi-Arian party
c. Accepted doctrine of the council,
condemning Arius
d. Still showed Arian leanings
According to the the Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition:
"During this period [pre-Nicean Council] he took the
side of Arius in the dispute with Alexander of Alexandria, and accepted what he understood to be the position of
Arius and his supporters, who, as he supposed, taught both the divinity and subordination of the Son. It was natural
that he should take this side, for in his traditional fear of Sabelianism, in which he was one with the followers
of Origen in general; he found it difficult to approve the position of Alexander, who seemed to be doing away altogether
with the subordination of the Son. And, moreover, he believed that Alexander was misrepresenting the teaching of
Arius and doing him great injustice.
Meanwhile at the council of Nicea he seems to have discovered
that the Alexandrians were right in claiming that Arius was carrying his subordinationnism so far as to deny all
real divinity to Christ. To this length Eusebius himself was unwilling to go, and so convinced that he had misunderstood Arius, and that the teaching of the latter was imperiling the historic belief
in the Divinity of Christ, he gave his support to the opposition, and voted for the Nicene Creed, in which the
teachings of Arians were repudiated." p.954
7. 336 A.D. - dedicated the church
of the Holy Sepulcher.
8. 337 A.D. - Constantine dies.
a. Was
baptized shortly before death by Eusebius
9. Eusebius died - c.339-340 A.D.
10. Regarded as one of the most learned of Fathers.
H. Writings:
1. Life of Constantine
2. The Chronicle, History of the World
3. Historia Ecclesiastica
a. History of Christian church
- events through 324 A.D.
b. No information on council
of Nicea
c. The primary source of church
d. Divided into ten books
e. Many early heresies described
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Eusebius wrote:
"It is my purpose to write an account of the successions
of the holy Apostles as well as of the times which have elapsed from the day of our Saviour to our own; to relate
how many and important events are said to have occurred in the history of the church: and to mention those who
have governed and presided over the church in the most prominent parishes, and those who in each generation have
proclaimed the divine word either orally or in writing. It is my purpose also to give the names and number and
times of those who through love of innovation have run into the greatest errors, and proclaiming themselves discoverers
of knowledge, falsely so called, have like fierce wolves unmercifully devastated the flock of Christ. It is my
intention, moreover, to recount the misfortunes which immediately came on the whole Jewish nation in consequence
of their plots against our Saviour, and to record the ways and times in which the divine word has been attacked
by the Gentiles, and to describe the character of those who at various periods have contended for it in the face
of blood and tortures, as well as the confessions which have been made in our own day, and the gracious and kindly
succor which our Saviour has accorded them all." p.954
f. References
of note in Historia Ecclesiastica
1) Bk.2
ch.13 - Simon Magus
2) Bk.2
ch.25 - Nero's persecution
3) Bk.3
ch.26 - Menander, successor to Simon Magus
4) Bk.3
ch.27 - Ebionites
5) Bk.4
ch.14-15 - Polycarp
Bk.5 ch.23-25 - Polycrates and Passover controversy
Bk.6 ch.6 - lists first 12 popes
Mother of Constantine.
1. Helena - important to Catholicism.
2. Exiled and degraded for a while.
3. Constantine elevated her.
The Encyclopedia Americana says:
"Helena was probably born at Drepanon, in Bithynia.
According to St. Ambrose, her parents were pagans, and she was an innkeeper. She became the concubine of Constantius
Chlorus, who abandoned her for political reasons when he became Roman emperor. But their son Constantine,
at the beginning of his reign (306), gave her the title of Augusta, and under his influence she became a Christian."
p. 61
4. She went to holy land - found
"holy sites" of the eternal.
a. These sites have been accepted
today by the Roman Catholic Church
According to The Age of Constantine:
"When she traveled through the East she gave large
sums to the inhabitants of individual cities, and additional amounts personally to those who
approached her. She also distributed large sums to the soldiers: the poor, moreover, received
money and clothing, and others were helped out of imprisonment for debt, exile, and oppression
of every sort. Obviously Constantine regarded such an excursion by the only completely trustworthy member of his
family as appropriated and as consonant with the spirit of the East." p. 312
The Age of Constantine shows how she finally had high status:
"Perhaps the only decent relationship in the circle
of this great Constantine, 'who persecuted what was nearest him and slew first his son and nephew, then his wife,
then a crowd of friends,' was that with his mother Helena. Whatever her position with reference to Chlorus may
have been, in the Oriental view she was sufficiently legitimized by having given birth to the ruler. He is said
to have been accessible to her counsel always. Purposely clothed with official honors, she spent her last years
in charitable works, pious pilgrimages, and Church foundations. She died at an age past eighty, apparently not
long before her son. Drepanum in Bithynia was named Helenopolis for her." p. 276
B. Father had prominence:
1. Affinity to Christianity.
2. May have granted help to Christians.
C. 306 A.D. - Constantine becomes emperor.
The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th says:
"Constantine I known as 'The Great'... was born on
the 27th of February, probably in A.D. 288, at Naissus (the modern Nish) UN Upper Moesian (Servia). He was the
illegitimate son of Constantius I.
And Flavia Helena (described by St Ambrose as an innkeeper). His
father, already a distinguished officer, soon afterwards became PRAEFECTUS PRAETORIO, and in 293 was raised to
the rank of Caesar and placed in command of the western provinces. While still a boy, Constantine was sent-practically
as a hostage-to the Eastern court... (Later, after his father brought him back)...on the point of crossing to Britain
to repel an invasion of Picts and Scots, after gaining victory, Constantius died at Eboracum (York), and on the 25th of
July 3O6, the army acclaimed his son as Augustus... He accepted the nomination of the army with feigned reluctance
and wrote a carefully-worded letter to Galerius, disclaiming responsibility for the action of the troops, but requesting
recognition as Caesar...Galerius was not in a position to refuse the request."
D. 312 A.D. - Saw famous vision while on military campaign.
1. Saw flaming cross.
2. Cross, traditional symbol of Christianity
to Roman Catholics.
3. Voice said, "In this sign conquer".
4. Engraved this sign into shields of
Quoting from the Plain Truth, July/Aug, 1983:
"Just before the battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine
had seen a vision. In the sky appeared a flaming cross, and above it the words ‘In Hoc Signo Vinces' (‘In
this sign, conquer!'). Stirred by the vision, he ordered that the Christian symbol the monogram (the superimposed
Greek letters X and P, 'Chi and Rho,' the first two letters of the word Christos) be inscribed upon the standards
and shields of the army."
p. 21
E. 313 A.D. - Edict of Milan (Toleration)
1. Granted religious freedom.
2. Equal rights to those in the church.
3. Christianity could grow.
The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church
says that:
"In 313 he and Licinius, soon to control the Eastern
empire, decreed full legal toleration for Christianity (Edict of Milan), and the church enjoyed increasing favor
- restitution of confiscated property, financial aid for Catholics, clerical exemption from hereditary offices,
civil jurisdiction for bishops."P.255
And according to A Manual of Church History:
"He exempted the Christian clergy from military and
municipal duties and their property from taxation (313); abolished various pagan customs and ordinances offensive
to Christians (315); facilitated the emancipation of Christian slaves (315); legalized bequests to Christian churches,
a very important measure (321); enjoined the civil observance of Sunday, though only as the day of the Sun, and
in connection with an ordinance requiring the consultation of the soothsayer (321); contributed largely toward the building
of Christian
of worship; and gave his sons a Christian education." p.306
F. Residence:
1. Resided in the East - Asia Minor.
2. Founded Constantinople - today known
as Istanbul.
The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, says:
"In 326 Constantine determined to remove the seat
of empire from Rome to the East, and before the close of the year the foundation stone of Constantinople was laid.
At least two other sites - Sardica and Troy were considered before the emperor's choice fell on Byzantium. It is
very probable that this step was connected with Constantine's decision to make Christianity the official religion
of the empire. Rome was naturally the stronghold of paganism, to which the great majority of the senate clung with
fervent devotion. Constantine did not wish to do open violence to this sentiment, and therefore resolved to found
a new capital for the new empire of his creation. He announced that the site had been revealed to him in a dream;
the ceremony of inauguration was performed by
Christian ecclesiastics on the 11th of May 330, when the city
was dedicated to the Blessed virgin. p. 989
G. Baptism:
1. Not in his lifetime, however, baptized
on death bed
2. He was baptized by Eusebius
- 377 A.D.
Wand writes of his conversion in the History Of The Early
"About Constantine’s personal religion the most divers
views have been, and still are, held.
It is doubtful whether he was a genuine Christian who whole-heartedly
accepted the faith and teaching of the Church; or whether he was really a syncritist whose desire was to establish
a universal diestic religion; or whether he was an astute statesman who believed he could find in Christianity
the social and moral force that would bring unity to his heredity Constantine was bound to the worship
of Jove and Hercules, but... after he began to achieve fame he showed a marked veneration for the sun, which seems to have represented
to him the unity
many different forms of religious belief... the many
scholars who adopt the third alternative point to the ambiguous character of many of Constantine's acts.
The famous vision of the cross of the light and the regulation with regard to Sunday are both capable of a pagan
as well as a Christian interpretation. His postponement of baptism until he was on his deathbed might lead to the
same conclusion, had it not been a sufficiently common practice. His handling of ecclesiastical problems shows
that his greatest anxiety was to maintain peace and unity."P.136
H. Controversy in church arising - Alexandrian views.
1. God the father, Christ no his son.
2. Main reason for Council of Nicea.
I. Called together Council of Nicea -
1. Arian problem.
2. Quarto-decimen.
3. Sabbath controversy.
4. Establishes when Easter to be kept.
Recognized as first official council of the church after one held
in Acts 15. Lasted from May 20 or June 19 to Aug 25, 325.
B. Constantine calls all-important bishops
together from the east and west.
Well over 300 bishops.
2. Representing the Roman Catholic Church.
According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. X:
"The Council opened at Nicaea in Bithynia (modern
Iznik, northwestern Turkey in Asia), in Constantine’s palace, with an address by the Emperor. About 300 bishops were
present... more than 100 came from Asia Minor, about
30 from Syria-Phoenicia, fewer than 20 from Palestine and Egypt.
Prominent figures were Hosius of Cordoba
(who presided with the delegates of Pope
Sylvester)...." p.432
C. Gathered in Nicea.
D. Motive for:
1. Saw diversities in church developing.
2. Wouldn't tolerate religious controversy
- wanted them settled.
The New Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. X, says:
"Captivated by Christianity, Constantine wanted to
give it the protection of the state; for, in line with the old Roman idea, he regarded himself as Pontifex Maximus
of Christianity, 'bishop in matters external’ (Vita Const. 4.24). As such, he thought it his
task to settle a controversy that was upsetting the politico religious unity of his Christian empire....
When another synod in Antioch late in 324 failed to effect the desired unity, the Emperor decided to settle the
controversy by a general synod of the more important bishops of the world." P.432
E. Subjects dealt with...
1. Aryanism.
2. Easter.
The Plain Truth Magazine says on page 21:
"The Council of Nicea confronts two major issues. It
deals firstly with a dispute over the relationship of Christ to God the Father. The dispute is called the Arian
controversy. Arius, a priest of Alexandria, has been teaching that Christ was created, not eternal and divine like
the Father. The Council condemns him and his doctrine and exiles Arian teachers. (The movement, however, continues
strong in many areas. When Gothic and Germanic invaders are converted to Christianity, it is frequently
to the Arian form.) The other major issue at the Council is the proper date for the celebration of Passover.
Many Christians especially those in Asia Minor still commemorate Jesus' death on the 14th day of the Hebrew month
Nisan the day the "Jewish" Passover lambs had been slain. In contrast, Rome and the Western
churches emphasize the resurrection, rather than the death of Jesus. They celebrate an annual Passover feast but
always on a Sunday. The Council rules that the ancient Christian Passover commemorating the death of Jesus must
no longer be kept on pain of death. The Western custom is to be observed throughout the Empire, on the first Sunday
after the full moon following the vernal equinox.
It is later to be called "Easter" when the
Germanic tribes are converted en masse to Christianity." p. 21
From the Letter of the Emperor to all those not present
at the Council (Found in Eusebius, Vita Const., Lib iii. 18-20.), Constantine explains the reason for the change
to Easter:
"When the question relative to the sacred festival
of Easter arose, it was universally thought that it would be convenient that all should keep the feast on one day;
for what could be more beautiful and more desirable, than to see this festival, through which we receive the hope
of immortality, celebrated by all with one accord, and in the same manner? It was declared to be
particularly unworthy for this, the holiest of all festivals, to follow the custom (the calculation) of the Jews,
who have soiled their hands with the most fearful of crimes, and whose minds were blinded.... We ought not, therefore,
to have anything in common with the Jews, for the Savior has shown us another way; our worship follows a more legitimate
and more convenient course; and consequently, in unanimously adopting this mode, we desire, dearest brethren, to
separate ourselves from the detestable company of the Jews, for it is truly shameful for us to hear them boast
that without their direction we could not keep this feast. How can they be in the right, they who,
after the death of the Saviour, have no longer been led by reason but by wild violence, as their delusion may urge
them? They do not possess the truth in this Easter question; for, in their blindness and repugnance
to all improvements, they frequently celebrate the Passover twice in one year. We could not imitate
those who are openly in error.
How, then, could we follow these Jews, who are most certainly
blinded by error? For to celebrate the Passover twice in one year is totally in admissible. But
even if this were not so, it would still be your duty not to tarnish your soul by communications with such wicked
people. Our Saviour has left us only one festival day of our redemption...Think then how unseemly it is that on
the same day some should be fasting whilst others are seated at a banquet; and that after Easter, some should be
rejoicing at feasts, whilst others are still observing a strict fast. For this reason, Divine Providence
wills that this custom should
be rectified and regulated in a uniform way; and everyone, I hope,
will agree upon this point.
As, on the one hand, it is our duty not to have anything in common
with the murderers of our Lord; and as, on the other, the custom now followed by the Churches of the West, of the
South and of the North, and by some of those of the East, is the most acceptable.... You should consider not only
that the number of churches in these provinces makes a majority, but also that it is right we should have nothing
in common with the Jews. To sum up in few words:
By the unanimous judgment of all, it has been decided that the
most holy festival of Easter should be everywhere celebrated on one and the same day, and it is not seemly that
in so holy a thing there should be any division.
As this is the state of the case, accept joyfully the divine favour,
and this truly divine command; for all which takes place in assemblies of the bishops ought to be regarded as proceeding
from the will of God."
4 Other subjects discussed
According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. X:
"... It is clear that the Nicene
Creed proclaims numerical identity of the Father's nature and the Son's. The creed does no more than mention the
Third Person, for the divinity of the Spirit was not at issue... Nicea promulgated 220 disciplinary decrees... Canons
15 and 16 forbid bishops, priests, and deacons to involve themselves in the affairs of another diocese or locality.
Canon 4 orders that all the other bishops of the province appoint bishops, and in case of difficulty, by at least
three. The appointment was to be ratified by the metropolitan bishop. Canon 5 declares that provincial synods are
to be held twice a year, presumably under the metropolitan, to examine excommunications inflicted by bishops....
"Some canons have to do with the dignity of the clergy: the ordination of eunuchs (c.1), of those insufficiently
tested since baptism or proved unworthy (c.2), of those who have denied the faith in persecution (c.10), and cohabitation of
clerics with other than relatives or women beyond suspicion (c.3).... A two fold criterion is
set up for the admission of heretics (c.19): those who have not erred on the doctrine of the Trinity, such as the
Novatians, are to be reconciled without repetition of their Baptism; the followers of Paul of Samasata, however,
are to be rebaptized, since it is not clear that they confess the Trinity. Deacons are warned (c.18) to give precedence
to bishops and priests. On Sundays and the days of Pentecost, the faithful are to stand for the liturgy, not kneel
(c.20)." p.433
First exiling - excommunication from the church.
2. Anathema - putting away from Christ.
3. Is still recited in the Catholic Church as well as by some Protestant bodies.
The following is found in the Acts of the Ecumenical Councils
of Ephesus and Chalcedon, in the Epistle of Eusebius of Caesarea to his own Church and elsewhere;
"We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker
of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten of his Father,
of the substance of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten (gennezenta), not made,
being of one substance (homousios, consubstantialem) with the Father. By whom all things were made, both which
be in heaven and in earth. Who for us men and for our salvation came down (from heaven) and was incarnate
and was made man. He suffered and the third day he rose again, and ascended into heaven. And he shall come again
to judge both the quick and the dead. And (we believe) in the Holy Ghost. And whosoever shall say that there was
a time when the Son of God was not, or that before he was begotten he was not, or that he was made of things that
were not, or that he is of a different substance of essence (from the Father) of that he is a creature, or subject
to change or conversion - all that so say, the Catholic an Apostolic Church anathematizes them."
Wand states in The History of the Early Church:
"It has often been pointed out that with the council
of Nicea Christianity had entered upon a new stage in its development. It was now officially linked with Hellenic
philosophy. Metaphysics had been brought in to assist religious faith, and in an authoritative formula, it had
been found necessary to employ a terminology coined in paganism. This may be an exaggeration, but it is an exaggeration
of a truth." P. 159