
Israel Identity, Origin of Nations, Prophecy

100s of pages of research papers and other literature for your free download! Further papers and items may be added in due course. Most of these audios were unique to this website and offered here first for your enjoyment and education.

  Israel Identity Where are the 'lost' 10 tribes today? Further information on the book by Herbert Armstrong here and books by other Churches of God here
  Israel Identity Lecture Series Several lectures were held in Australia to promote the Abrahamic Promises, the modern identity of the 'lost' tribes of Israel; and their part in end-time prophecy. Audios of Melvin Rhodes and Dr David Lewis here
  Key to NW European Origins Brilliant 1963 MA thesis by Raymond F McNair. Further information on the book by Herbert Armstrong here and other Churches of God here
  National Identities Biblical identities of certain nations. Some of this is now obsolete or superseded by further research
Origin of Nations website Link to a site with a heaps of research on Israel Identity and the nations listed in Genesis 10 (the Table of Nations)
Prophecy, Ezekiel's Message & Place of Safety A variety of articles and charts on prophetic topics. Further information on the Ezekiel Message doctrine available here.
  Prophecy Charts Charts that WCG once published plus a number of rare charts from AC (class handouts)
US & Britain in Prophecy Various editions of this valuable book since the 1930s (plus some other related books). Refer also to this link comparing the various editions of this book here. Books by other Churches of God on the subject here
  'Lost' Tribes of Israel Information Huge amount of books and articles (including many old and rare) on the British-Israel doctrine
  The Final Gathering of the Children of the Children of Israel Article series in The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom by Merritt Dickinson (1919)