College Notes
The Acts
Chapter 21-22

Tyre (21:1-6)

vs. 3
Ancient tradition = to speak of ships in feminine gender.

Paul was determined to make it to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles.

Caesarea (21:7-14)

vs. 8
Caesarea -- Phillip -- one of the original 12.

vs. 9
Example of the success of 2nd generation Christians.

vs. 13
Paul just told them -- "end of conversation"..."I'm going to Jerusalem, with or without you."

Paul to Jerusalem (21:15-26)

vs. 18
James, resident apostle at Jerusalem.

vs. 21
Paul didn't teach Jews to forsake Moses.  He did teach them that both Jew and Gentile were exempt from certain rituals and sacrifices.

vs. 23
Recommendation of show Jews, Paul wasn't opposed to them.

Forbidden for a Gentile to enter into the Jewish portion of the Temple.

Paul's Imprisonment (21:27-23:31)
Uproar (21:27-36)
Paul's Defense (21:37-22:29)
Paul Questioned (21:37-40)

vs. 39|
Tarsus -- not a backward city, by any means.

vs. 40
Paul spoke to them in Hebrew, as a priest would.  Thus, the crowd was able to hear him.

Chapter 22
Paul's Speech (22:1-21)

vs. 1 (-21)
Rehearses the previous experience.

Paul Examined (22:22-29)
Scourging (22:22-24)

vs. 25
Paul's civil right is violated

vs. 26
They realized what done.

Index | Chapter 20 | Chapters 23-24