
History of the Work in South Africa 


Item/Event Comment
History of the Church in South Africa The office opened in March 1963 by Gerald Waterhouse
Herbert W Armstrong's Trips to South Africa Two trips in 1976
Herbert W Armstrong's Trips to Port Elizabeth June & November 1976
God’s Remnant Apostle Church of Christ Learn about this group that preceded the WCG on page 14 of the linked document

History of the World Tomorrow broadcast into South Africa:

“We were still on Radio Luxembourg, world’s most powerful commercial station, at 11:30 p.m., Mondays [1956]. We were on the three superpower bands of Radio Ceylon. From this we received considerable mail from far-off Burma, Malaya and Singapore. Also from India, Ceylon, and portions of eastern Africa. We were broadcasting once a week over Radio Lourenço Marques, at the border of the Republic of South Africa. By March, 1956, we were broadcasting once a week over Radio Formosa.” (Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong, ch 62)

“BY JANUARY, 1958, the World Tomorrow program was being broadcast over every inhabited continent on earth. We were using more than four million watts of radio power every week. We were broadcasting from Okinawa, from Mozambique into the Republic of South Africa, and into India, over into Burma and the East Indies, and into Eastern Africa by the three superpower beams of Radio Ceylon, besides Radio Luxembourg, world’s most powerful station in Europe -- and beamed over the British Isles." (Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong, ch 70)

Comment: my Uncle Ron wrote to me in 13 April 1993 and mentioned that he was listening to the broadcast in 1956.