
History of the Sydney Churches


Item/Event Comment
Articles & brochures on history of the Sydney Churches
New Church established in Sydney (1960) The Good News, March 1960, pp. 1-2
List of Ministers in the 1960s Supplied by Louise Kleinbergs
History of the Sydney Church (1985) January
25th Anniversary Memento (1985) January
The First Thirty Years Brochure (1990) February
Letter to May Stanley (1958) From Ernest Martin
Letter to May Stanley (1960) From Gerald Waterhouse, inviting May to the first church services in Australia
Sydney Church Newsletter Early 1960s
Card sent by WCG minister (1988) From Mark Ellis
Song of Solomon. A Dance Drama (1991) 6 April
Garner Ted Armstrong in Sydney (1995) 8 February. Card invitation
Garner Ted Armstrong in Sydney (1995) Ticket
Richard Cress visit (1996) Church of God (Seventh Day) minister, 6 January (in Wollongong)
YOU National Showcase (1992) 22 August
Distribution of UCG Members (c1997) By Robyn Kleinbergs
Other Miscellaneous Items Inc May Stanely information
Sydney Church 30th Anniversary (1990) 3 February
Sydney Church with some names (1960) Probably taken at the Feast of Tabernacles. Photograph without names here
Sydney South Church  
Sydney North Church  
Miscellaneous Inc photograph of Penrith Church
Blackheath Feast Hall (map and photographs) Inc letters in 1961 by Gerald Waterhouse re the Feast and subsequent years by other regional directors