

August 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your question regarding the "times of the gentiles," which Jesus mentioned in Luke 21:24.

Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 are all accounts of Jesus' teaching about how to recognize the signs of His coming and the end of this age. The "times of the gentiles" are one of those signs which Jesus said would occur shortly before He returns.

Several other prophecies help us understand the "times of the gentiles." Daniel 12:7, for example, tells us that in the end time a gentile power will succeed in occupying Jerusalem, as well as other portions of the Holy Land, for "a time, times, and an half [a time]." These are the "times of the gentiles" Jesus spoke of. But, what does this mean?

Revelation 11:2 clarifies this by telling us that this gentile power -- the beast -- will be allowed to trample on the city of Jerusalem for 42 months. During this same time, God's two witnesses will testify against this power in Jerusalem for 1260 days (verse 3). This all occurs at the same time as the Great Tribulation and the day of the Lord. The faithful people of God will be granted protection (Rev. 12:14) during the time that the beast exercises authority and rule (Rev. 13:5).

Therefore, we can know that the "times of the gentiles" which Jesus spoke of are the final three and a half years of this age. They end when Jesus comes back to save the world and to set up His Government in Jerusalem!

If you would like to receive additional information about the coming beast power, please feel welcome to request a copy of our booklet WHO OR WHAT IS THE PROPHETIC BEAST? It is free for the asking.

Whenever we may be of additional assistance to you in your study of the Bible, we hope you will let us know. It is our pleasure to serve you.


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