

August 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your inquiry concerning criticisms of the Worldwide Church of God made by various "anticult" authors. We certainly appreciate your desire to hear what we have to say and to check up to prove what is true.

Some authors go astray in their comments because they take our statements out of context or their research is faulty and unprofessional. Some may "have an axe to grind" because their beliefs vary from ours. We believe that the best way to address criticisms is simply to tell you what we teach on the questions and doctrines which are customarily criticized. We will also refer you to free publications you can request which will elaborate in much more detail.

WHAT ARE THE DOCTRINES OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD? The Church of God was founded and built by Jesus Christ (Matt. 16:18), who is its living Head (Col. 1:18). God's Church has existed continuously from Christ's time to the present, still teaching what Jesus taught (Matt. 28:19-20). The Worldwide Church of God supports all of its doctrines from the Scriptures. Please refer to our publications WHERE IS THE TRUE CHURCH? and "The Church They Couldn't Destroy" for further study.

BIBLE PROPHECIES CAN BE UNDERSTOOD! We believe that God intends that His people study and understand what Bible prophecy has to say about modern nations and what will happen to them in the near future! Please refer to THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY and WHERE ARE WE NOW IN PROPHECY? for the exciting details.

GOD IS A FAMILY. God the Father and God the Son (Christ) have always existed. Originally, the Son was called the Word (Spokesman of the God Family). The Holy Spirit is not a person but is the mind and power which proceeds from the Father (John 15:26). God the Father created all things through the Word (John 1:1-3; Eph. 3:9). The Word emptied Himself of glory and became human through the miraculous conception in the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 1:20).

SALVATION IS BY CHRIST. Since Jesus had created all life, He was able to offer His life in full payment for all the sins of mankind. Thus He became the Savior of all who will repent (John 3:16; Acts 3:19).

SALVATION IS GOD'S FREE GIFT. Every human will receive the opportunity for salvation (II Peter 3:9), but not all are being saved now! One cannot earn salvation by works, but of course God does expect us to obey His laws. Repentance is turning away from breaking God's laws. Upon repentance and faith in Christ, our sins are forgiven, and we are saved from the penalty of our past sins. God then gives the Holy Spirit to live in us (Acts 2:38). This is how Christ lives in all true believers (Gal. 2:20). Christ living in us saves us from sin! We are saved by Christ's LIFE (Rom. 5:8-10). If Christ lives in us, we are Christians (Rom. 8:9). If Christ lives in us, He will lead us to live as He did, obedient to all God's commandments (I John 2:3-6). Finally, we shall be eternally saved when Christ comes and we are made immortal, just as He is immortal (I Cor. 15:50-52; Phil. 3:21). The saved will live forever with God in His own Family as His sons (Rev. 21:7; I John 3:2). This is further explained in our booklets WHAT DO YOU MEAN ... SALVATION?, IS GOD TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD NOW?, and WHAT IS THE REWARD OF THE SAVED?

THE CHURCH OF GOD OBSERVES THE BIBLICAL HOLY DAYS. These are different from the popular commercialized holidays adopted by most of Christendom. Jesus kept these same Holy Days! See our booklets WHICH DAY IS THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH?, HAS TIME BEEN LOST?, and PAGAN HOLIDAYS -- OR GOD'S HOLY DAYS -- WHICH? for details.

IS THERE ETERNAL PUNISHMENT? The wicked will be burned up in the lake of fire (Mal. 4:1 ,3; Matt. 3:12; Rev. 20:15). The wages of sin is death from which there will be no resurrection (Rom. 6:23). Further explanation is given in our booklet TO HELL AND BACK.

Please request the free publications we have mentioned here. Check the scriptural references with your own Bible. In this way prove what is true (I Thess. 5:21; Acts 17:10-11). Then you will know that the Worldwide Church of God receives its doctrines from the Bible.

Please feel welcome to let us know whenever we can be of further help in your search for truth.


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