

May 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your question concerning the differences between the Worldwide Church of God and the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

There are many major differences. In fact, the Adventists have written a 143-page booklet detailing many differences. The title is "Radio Church of God, How Its Teachings Differ From Those of Seventh-day Adventists." ("Radio Church of God" is a name we used several decades ago.) While this booklet does not accurately describe the doctrine of our Church on many points, it serves to illustrate the fact that the two churches are VERY DIFFERENT. Some of the major differences follow:

The Church of God believes that God's wonderful purpose in creating man is to perfect individuals by the power of Christ and then to give the saints immortality and glory like Christ. God's purpose is to make us His own children in His own Family (Rom. 8:17; Phil. 3:21; I John 3:2; Rev. 21:7). Ultimately, we are to be born again into the very God Family. Please refer to our free booklet WHY WERE YOU BORN? for details. This doctrine separates the Church of God from virtually all others.

The Church of God believes that God the Father and God the Son are both divine persons, and the Holy Spirit is the essence of which God is composed and the power by which He projects Himself and accomplishes His Work. The Holy Spirit proceeds from God (John 15:26) and is poured out in men (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:16-17). We do not believe God is a trinity, as Adventists teach. Our article about the Holy Spirit explains this important subject in detail.

The Church of God keeps holy all the ANNUAL SABBATHS commanded by God and observed by the early New Testament Church. Adventists observe the weekly Sabbath but not the annual sabbaths. Please study our booklet PAGAN HOLIDAYS -- OR GOD'S HOLY DAYS -- WHICH?

The Church of God believes that Jesus Christ will soon return from heaven to establish the Kingdom of God ON EARTH, to glorify the saved, and to rule on earth over all nations for a thousand years (Rev. 5:10; 11:15; 20:4-6). During that time all peoples will be given God's truth, and salvation will be opened to all those who have never had their chance (Isa. 2:2-4). Adventists teach that when Christ comes He will take the saved to heaven and destroy everybody else and that the devil will have the earth for a thousand years. Our booklet THE WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW -- WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE explains the inspiring truth.

The Church of God teaches that all people who have ever lived will have a fair and ample opportunity for salvation (Matt. 18:14; Rom. 11:26; I Tim. 2:4; II Pet. 3:9). This is NOT the only day when salvation will be offered, as the Adventists teach. Rather, Christ will yet save billions during the Millennium and the judgement period that follows (Isa. 62; 65:17-25). Those who have died unsaved are not lost. There will be a resurrection in which they will have their opportunity to be saved. This wonderful, encouraging doctrine from God's Word is not understood or taught by other churches. Please see our booklet IS GOD TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD NOW? for the amazing scriptural teaching.

These are some of the more obvious differences. As you continue to watch The WORLD TOMORROW on television and to read The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and our other literature, you will discover other ways we differ from the Seventh-day Adventists.

Please understand that we do not ask you to take our word for anything we say. It is an individual responsibility to prove where God's one true Church is today (Eph. 4:4; I Cor. 14:33; I Thess. 5:21). Don't believe any man, but LOOK IN YOUR BIBLE and BELIEVE WHAT YOU FIND THERE! That is the challenge given by all true ministers of God.


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