

May 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for asking why black people have often been the focus of racial prejudice and hatred.

The Bible plainly teaches that God made of one blood all nations of men that dwell on the face of the earth (Acts 17:26). God tells us He separated the families of man and decreed the boundaries of their dwelling places (Deut. 32:8). God intended that there be different nationalities and races and caused this to occur. The different races we find on earth today survived the Flood of Noah's time through Noah's children. The black race was preserved through the wife of Ham.

Sometime after the Flood many black people migrated to Africa. There, sad to say, they have been divided and hindered by tribalism. As the centuries passed, they did not develop technologically in comparison with other cultures. And, in this evil world where the strong prey upon the weak, evil men bought or captured many blacks for use as slaves in the New World. Often these slave traders bought the slaves from black men who rounded up their enemies from other tribes for the purpose of selling them into slavery. So, there were evil men on both sides.

Racial prejudice does not exist just between blacks and whites. This evil is found wherever peoples of different races and cultures rub together in competition for jobs, property, and wealth. In the United States the whites had the power to oppress the blacks, so that is what happened. The blacks and browns are at each other's throats in parts of Africa. In Indochina there have been endless struggles for domination by one people or another. And, of course, there was the red versus white battle in the conquest of this land. No group has been guiltless; racial hatred is universal in all races, societies, and cultures. It is a terrible compulsion put into human hearts by Satan the devil -- the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4).

The problem will not be solved until Christ rules on earth. This generation will witness that great event! Then all men will be taught to live in peace (Isa. 2:2-4). There will be a new era of blessings for all people. Our free book titled THE WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW -- WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE tells of this coming age. If you do not yet have a copy, please feel welcome to request it.

Concerning blacks in prophecy, the Bible primarily concerns the history and future of Israel. Others are mentioned only as they come into contact with them. Please refer to our booklet THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY for a full explanation. We also have available information which traces the development of the black race. You may wish to request it. By using a Bible concordance and the tribal and national names given in this information, you may be able to find where some of these people are referred to in some of the prophecies.

All peoples who make up the "melting pot" called America will continue to partake of both the blessings and curses which God will send upon the modern descendants of Israel. Their destinies are closely linked at present and will remain so, at least until the return of Jesus Christ.

There is no racial prejudice with God: "God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him" (Acts 10:34-35). In fact, God's ultimate purpose and goal for all people is the same -- sonship in His divine Family! (I Tim. 2:4; II Pet. 3:9; Rev. 21:3-7).

Those of us who will put aside racial and other hatreds now and seek God, letting His Spirit reform us and develop godly character within us, will be made immortal when Christ comes. We will all shine in glory like Jesus (Rev. 1:13-16; Phil. 3:21). we will then have the opportunity to help all those who are yet to have their eyes opened to the way of God. The day is coming when we shall all be brothers in God's eternal Family!

Whenever we may assist you further with your study of the Bible, we hope you will let us know.


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