

February 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your question concerning Romans 7:4.

Notice carefully what Paul said: "You ... have become dead" (Revised Authorized Version). He did not say, "The law is dead." The law of God did not perish. But, the people became dead to the law by the body of Christ.

Verse 5 helps explain: "For when we were in the flesh [before we were converted, and while we were living according to the pulls of the flesh], the motions of sins, which were (revealed for what they were) by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death." Thus, when we were yet sinners, we were worthy of death in God's sight, having transgressed His holy law.

"But now," Paul writes further, "we have been delivered from the (certain death penalty of the) law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter" (verse 6, RAV).

Christ paid the death penalty in our stead. The law of God no longer claims our lives.

While sinners, we were worthy of execution. But, now, Paul says that we are dead to the law -- that is, the penalty of death has been paid by Jesus Christ. So far as the law is concerned, the penalty is paid -- we are dead, in Christ -- and there is no further "date with death" for us, if we continue to live in Christ.

This verse in no way says that the law is done away. It merely shows that Christ paid the penalty of the law for us. He died for us. We are dead with Him (Rom. 6:3-4). No longer does condemnation await us (Rom. 8:1), because we are also made spiritually alive with Him through His resurrection (Rom. 6:4-5, 11).

Our booklet THE TEN COMMANDMENTS shows that God's law is still in force today. If you would like to receive this important information, please feel welcome to request it.

Whenever we may assist you further with your study of the Bible, we hope you will let us know. It is our pleasure to serve you.


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