

February 1988

Dear Friend:

We are happy to help you with your question about the black race in relation to Bible prophecy.

The Bible shows that all races are descended from Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:20). God intended that there be different races to develop the differing climatic areas of the world (Acts 17:26). Accordingly, it appears that God placed within Eve's ovaries the genetic material which would produce the various racial characteristics in humankind.

The races were preserved through the Flood by the wives of Noah's sons. Noah's sons were white, as was the wife of Shem. The white race was continued through Shem and his wife, the black race through Ham's wife, and the yellow race through Japheth's wife.

The Bible focuses mainly on the activities of the people of Israel -- because God chose them to do a job for Him. He intended Israel to set an example for all the other nations and to teach them His way. Because other peoples are generally mentioned only as they come into contact with Israel, the Bible does not say much specifically about the black or the oriental races.

All peoples who make up the "melting pot" called America will continue to partake of both the blessings and curses which God will send upon the modern descendants of Israel. Their destinies are closely linked at present and will remain so, at least until the return of Jesus Christ.

The ultimate destiny of man -- whether black, brown, white, red, or yellow -- is to be reborn into the very Family of God as His children to live forever and assist in God's Work throughout the universe. One day we will all have glorious, immortal bodies like Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:13-16; Phil. 3:21). Those who will put aside racial and other contentions now and seek God, letting His Spirit reform and develop godly character in them, will live forever when Christ comes. Their job will be to help teach the way of God to all human beings who will be living during Christ's rule on the earth.

Whenever we may assist you further with your study of the Bible, we hope you will let us know. It is our pleasure to serve you.


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