

January 1989

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your recent question concerning getting married, especially in the light of the fact that we are now living near the end of the age.

We want to first make it clear that we have not advised anyone to forgo marriage nor have we said that we are too close to the end of the age for marriage to be considered wise. People should neither rush prematurely into marriage nor postpone it because of the nearness of the end of the age. When the great tribulation actually comes, then for that time it may be best to forgo marriage if one is able to do so without losing control of oneself and burning with lust (I Cor. 7:6-9, 25-40).

Marriage is very good (Prov. 18:22; Heb. 13:4). God created it to teach us about His own eternal Family, into which we are destined to be born as immortal spirit beings. Marriage and family help us develop the character of God, and it is God's plan that most people will have the opportunity for marriage and the experiences it offers.

When Jesus Christ returns in glory to establish God's Kingdom on the earth, He will change those who have the Holy Spirit from mortal to immortal (I Cor. 15:50-52; I Thess. 4:13-17). Even though immortal children of God do not marry (Matt. 22:30), God has reserved for them joys and pleasures which are far higher. Even the greatest joy possible in this physical life, whatever that may be, cannot compare with the joys we will experience in God's Kingdom (Ps. 16:11).

Most people who survive the crisis at the close of this age will live on into the new world still mortal. They will continue marrying and having families and learning the lessons these relationships teach.

No one, then, should worry that he or she will miss out on anything. Most people will have the opportunity for marriage. But, for those few Christians who may not marry in this life, something incomparably better awaits them in the Kingdom of God!

Whenever we can assist you with your study of the Bible, we hope you will let us know. It is our pleasure to serve you.


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