January 1988
Dear Friend:
Thank you for your question about Genesis 30:37-43.
This account is somewhat vague in the King James Version
because the translators did not fully understand what Jacob did.
Verses 41 and 42, however, indicate clearly that Jacob was
practicing selective breeding.
Evidently, Jacob built pens or corrals around the watering
troughs using rods made by peeling poplar, hazel, and chestnut
limbs. Instead of driving the animals together, he just waited
until they came to drink and then penned them in. Verse 38 is
poorly translated and does not mean Jacob put the rods in the
watering troughs.
Jacob separated the weaker males from the breeding flock,
leaving the stronger ones to produce offspring. God then
miraculously intervened on Jacob's behalf and caused the
offspring to have the coloring Laban had promised to Jacob. In
other words, Jacob did his part by seeing to it that the stronger
males bred the herds and flocks in order to produce strong
offspring. God rewarded Jacob by causing the newborn animals to
have the proper coloring.
We hope you will let us know whenever we may assist you
further with your study of the Bible. It is our pleasure to serve