

January 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your question concerning a Christian man wearing an earring.

The Bible does not speak directly about the matter of men wearing earrings. However, we find guidelines in God's Word to follow in such matters. For example, we read where the apostle Paul says that even nature (common sense) should teach us that "if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him" (I Cor. 11:14). When considered in context, it is obvious that Paul was saying it is shameful for a man to look like a woman.

This, then, is a basic guideline. Men and boys should appear obviously masculine and not easily mistaken as feminine. Or, said another way, men and boys should not look like women and girls.

Another point to remember is that a Christian attitude should be one of modesty, humility, and service to God and neighbor. Making a male look like a female or vice versa, or going to extremes -- being motivated by personal vanity -- is condemned. Our CHARACTER, rather than our outward appearance, should be the outstanding and memorable quality about us.

In the case of men wearing earrings, there are several things to consider. In keeping with the culture and customs of this nation -- and Western culture in general -- men and boys who wear earrings on an everyday basis have been looked upon as unmanly, abnormal, or rebellious. This, of course, varies depending on regional customs, setting, and circumstances.

According to the Word of God, however, a Christian is not to appear strange or outlandish, either in his actions or attire. The Bible does not encourage us to call undue attention to ourselves, and it certainly speaks against rebellion (see Romans 1:28-32 and II Corinthians 12:20). Instead, we are to avoid "all appearance of evil" (I Thess. 5:22). Even the women, who normally dress more fashionably than men, are admonished in God's Word to dress modestly (I Tim. 2:9; I Pet. 3:3-5).

A Christian is further exhorted to live at peace with his neighbors as much as possible (Rom. 12:18) and to be a light (Matt. 5:13-16). In short, God wants us to be good citizens and to set a clean and wholesome example of modesty and right behavior based on His law. Therefore, we ought to consider how our appearance will affect our relationship with others.

It should be added that we are not referring to men who wear earrings in those cultures where it is customary and acceptable. Some societies have longtime traditions which make it quite normal for them.

Whenever we can assist you further with your study of the Bible, we hope you will let us know. It is our pleasure to serve you.


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