

December 1987

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your recent question concerning the 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27.

To explain this prophecy, I will quote from "Halley's Bible Handbook":

"The Captivity, which was then drawing to a close, had lasted 70 years. Daniel is here told by the angel that it would yet be '70 weeks' till the coming of the Messiah [see verse 24].

"The '70 weeks' is generally understood to mean 70 weeks of years, that is, 70 sevens of years, or seven times 70 years, that is 490 years. As if the angel were saying, The Captivity has been 70 years; the period between the Captivity and the Coming of the Messiah will be seven times that long.

"Seven, and cycles of seven, sometimes have symbolic meanings; yet the actual facts of this prophecy are most amazing, as follows:

"The date from which the 70 weeks was to be counted was the decree to re-build Jerusalem [see verse 25]. There were three decrees issued by Persian kings for this purpose ... The principal one of these was 457 B C [the one given by Artaxerxes].

"The 70 weeks is subdivided into 7 weeks, 62 weeks, and 1 week [see verses 25 and 27]. It is difficult to see the application of the '7 weeks'; but the 69 weeks (including the 7) equal 483 days, that is, on the year-day theory, Ezek 4:6, which is the commonly accepted interpretation, 483 years.

"This 483 years is the period between the decree to re-build Jerusalem and the coming of the 'Anointed One,' [see verse 25]. The decree to re-build Jerusalem, as noted above, was 457 B C. Adding 483 years to 457 B C brings us to 26 A D, the very year that Jesus was baptized and began his public ministry. A most remarkable fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy, even to the year.

"Further, within 3 1/2 years Jesus was crucified, that is, 'in the midst of the one week' 'the Anointed One' was 'cut off,' 'purged away sin and brought in everlasting righteousness,' [see verses 24, 26, and 27]."

We must make one slight correction in Mr. Halley's figures. His overall calculations are correct, but he did not account for the ONE YEAR which is gained in making the transition from B.C. to A.D. dates. Because there is no year 0, one year is gained and must be added to the A.D. date. It was A.D. 27 when Jesus was baptized and began His ministry -- not A.D. 26.

The following statement is found in our booklet THE RESURRECTION WAS NOT ON SUNDAY: "It is significant that in Daniel's prophecy of the 'seventy weeks' (Dan. 9:24-27), Jesus was to be cut off 'in the midst of the week.' While this prophecy has the application of a day for a year, so that this 70th week became a literal seven years, Christ being 'cut off' after three-and-a-half years' ministry, as He was, yet it is significant that He was also 'cut off' on the middle day [Wednesday] of a literal week" (page 9).

We hope you will let us know whenever we can be of additional assistance in your study of the Bible. It is our pleasure to serve you.


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