

December 1987

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your recent inquiry concerning exercising one's legal rights.

Although the Bible mentions court action, it does so mostly in a negative light. Paul rebuked the Corinthians for going to court to settle differences between brethren (I Cor. 6:1-6).

Disputes involving those who are not members of God's Church, of course, must be settled elsewhere. In the world, that is usually in a court of law. Romans 13 shows that God has allowed the governments of this world to maintain law and order and to punish crime. Matters involving the laws of this world, therefore, can be settled in the world's courts. It is not wrong to use the protection of the law.

Even so, Jesus gave us some words of wisdom concerning lawsuits. For example, if we have wronged someone or have caused someone to be injured, we are advised to settle the issue fairly before we get dragged into court and a judgment is rendered against us (Matt. 5:25-26). Obviously, if we cannot settle a matter and a suit results, we must defend ourselves legally. If the final judgment is against us, we are counseled not only to pay the penalty, but to do so in a nonbegrudging manner (Matt. 5:40). We must not have a hard-bitten, quarrelsome attitude of resistance and griping, as is common in this world. Rather, we are commanded to guide our lives by the law of love.

Most of the time, a person who applies the teachings of the Bible will be able to settle any differences without going to court. God looks on our hearts and is concerned with the attitude we have in these matters -- whether of love toward others or of selfishness and concern only for ourselves.

God offers wisdom and guidance to those who seek Him and obey His Commandments (Ps. 111:10; Prov. 1:7; Jas. 1:5-7). Certainly, one ought to pray wholeheartedly for God's help in resolving difficulties peaceably. God is able to make even our enemies to be at peace with us if our ways please Him (Prov. 16:7).

We hope you will let us know whenever we can be of additional assistance to you in your study of the Bible. It is our pleasure to serve you.


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