

April 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your recent inquiry concerning the Bilderbergers and the Trilateralists, who are said to be manipulating world economics and politics to increase their own wealth and power.

There are many such conspiracy theories. They allege that the bankers or the Jews or the CFR or the Trilateral Commission or the Illuminati or the Bilderbergers or The Order -- or any of a number of other groups -- are conspiring to take over the world.

We have examined the various conspiracy theories and have found them to be flawed and misleading. We do not believe a person will benefit from studying deeply into such conspiracy writings or theories. These theories contradict both Bible prophecy and historical facts. They appear to be the devices of Satan. By offering supposed "hidden" knowledge, people are led away from God's truth.

Indeed, "power centers" do exist within business and political organizations which have a strong opinion-shaping influence. Nevertheless, concrete PROOF that a secret conspiracy exists is lacking. Those who teach such theories take the discoverable facts and weave into them a set of alleged motives.

Biblical prophecies clearly indict ALL SEGMENTS OF OUR SOCIETY -- the common people as well as the leaders, whether political or religious -- as being responsible for our national woes, sicknesses, and immorality. The only great master power behind it all is the diabolical deceiver, Satan the devil -- whose goal it is to thwart the plan of God.

The Bible, however, clearly reveals that Satan will NOT succeed and that God is in complete control of the outcome of world events. You can find out what the outcome will be by reading our booklet WORLD PEACE -- HOW IT WILL COME. A more detailed account is available in our free book THE WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW -- WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE. We would be happy to send either one or both of these to you upon your request.

We hope you will let us know whenever we can be of additional assistance in your study of the Bible.


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