January 1988
Dear Friend:
Thank you for your question concerning a husband and wife
having sexual relations on the Sabbath.
When we consider the very first marriage, we see that Adam
was created on the sixth day of the week. It was only after he
had named the animals and found that there was no suitable
companion for him that God created a woman to be his wife. No
doubt they were united in marriage late on that sixth day.
This means that the first day of their "honeymoon" was the
weekly Sabbath! God intended them to become "one flesh." See
Genesis 2:24. The Bible elsewhere shows that becoming one flesh
refers directly to coitus. (Our book THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX
explains this in detail. If you would like to have a free copy,
please send us your request.) Interestingly enough, God's first
recorded command to the first couple was "Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth" (Gen. 1:28).
In short, except for sickness, menstruation, or special
times of fasting and prayer agreed upon by mutual consent, the
Bible places no restriction as to when sexual intercourse may
take place between a husband and wife. See Leviticus 15:19-25;
20:18; and I Corinthians 7:3-5.
Whenever we may assist you further with your study of the
Bible or in Christian living, we hope you will let us know. It is
our pleasure to serve you.