

January 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for asking about Mrs. Tkach and her health.

Mrs. Tkach's illness has been a very complex one. Over 20 years ago, she was injured in a train accident while traveling from Pasadena to Chicago. At the same time, she was suffering from severe hypoglycemia aggravated by the onset of menopause. Combined, these conditions brought about a nervous breakdown, and Mrs. Tkach was essentially bedfast for several years.

Throughout her illness, Mr. Tkach has personally cared for his wife at home, with occasional help from some of the deaconesses. When his responsibilities became quite heavy, he employed part-time help. A retired nurse who is a member of the Church assists in caring for Mrs. Tkach.

Mrs. Tkach is able to do some housework and prepares a meal occasionally. She goes outdoors for walks and often spends time with her son and daughters and their families. She does not speak much, although she may engage in short conversations with family and close friends. She also faithfully watches the Sabbath services here in Pasadena on a television monitor at home.

Mrs. Tkach's condition is most uncommon. She does not have Alzheimer's disease and is not growing senile. The nurse stated that she has never seen anyone with a similar condition. Satan may have known in advance that Mr. Tkach would be called to his present position. It is probable that Satan was trying to discourage Mr. Tkach and prevent him from fulfilling his calling. However, Mr. Tkach always kept in mind God's plan and the fact that Jesus Christ is the source of strength and help in every need. While the Bible shows that God allows Satan to accuse people before His throne and sometimes to cause injury and affliction (see Job 2:7), God still gives His servants the strength and power to persevere and carry out the commission to the Church (Matt. 24:14).

Mr. Joseph Tkach, Jr. has mentioned that he and the entire Tkach family continually pray for God to heal their mother's memory and restore her to the vigorous health and mental acuity she once enjoyed.

Please continue to pray for the Tkaches. Mr. Tkach has remarked to the Church how strengthening and encouraging it is to know that God's people pray for them regularly.


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