

April 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your recent inquiry. We appreciate this opportunity to assist you with your study of the Bible. The question of proper dress for women has been of interest to many.

Actually, God's guidelines with regard to clothing and dress are very general. God expects Christian women to dress in "modest apparel" (I Tim. 2:9) -- that is, in clothes which are not flamboyant and garish. A Christian woman should not be an "exhibitionist" in attracting undue attention to herself by wearing clothing which is provocative or outrageous.

By the same token, this does not mean that Christian women should be drab, colorless, or tasteless dressers. A Christian is to be a light to the world, an example of balance and good taste. We should not be so out of step with the fashions of society that we stand out like the proverbial "sore thumb." Clothes can be fashionable without being immodest or peculiar. Apparel should be appropriate for the occasion -- decent swimsuits for the beach, jeans for yard work, and usually a dress or other nicer outfit for special occasions. A Christian woman should especially strive to look nice for her husband.

In the Old Testament, God gave this law: "A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God" (Deut. 22:5, RAV). This refers to TRANSVESTISM. It does NOT refer to a woman's wearing pants which were DESIGNED for women.

The "meek and quiet spirit" of a truly converted Christian woman will be reflected in the kind of clothing she selects (I Pet. 3:4). She will wear what is appropriate and stylish for any given occasion -- but with proper modesty and decorum. And God will look on the HEART of such a woman with approval.

Thank you for your interest. If we can be of additional service, we hope you will let us know.


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