

May 1987

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding what the Bible teaches about insurance.

The question of insurance has perplexed many. Some believe it would be showing a lack of faith to be "protected" by insurance.

But, as you know, insurance does not prevent accident, injury, fire, or death. It merely compensates one's family in the event of such a loss so that one can regain economic stability. God does not promise Christians, under any and all circumstances, a life free from early death, all hazards, and disasters. In fact, Scripture shows we should expect to have to cope with many and varied problems (Acts 14:22).

The Bible does teach us the principle of protecting ourselves by taking early precautions, before calamity strikes. Solomon tells us, "A cautious man sees danger and takes cover: a simpleton strolls on -- and pays for it" (Prov. 27:12, Moffatt). The Bible often warns us to guard against the day of evil. Insurance is simply a way of saving or laying up for the future -- an important biblical principle (Prov. 6:6-8). It is a kind of pool of resources in which people save and share the burdens of one another.

Insurance is a means by which a breadwinner can provide for his family in the event of his death or disability (please read I Timothy 5:8 and II Corinthians 12:14). There are also various types of insurance which protect others. God's law clearly shows that it is our responsibility to compensate persons who are harmed or caused to suffer loss because of our negligence or carelessness (see chapters 21 and 22 of Exodus). Having liability insurance helps us avoid possible financial collapse and provides for someone else who may be harmed by our actions.

Other types of insurance are required by law or in the course of doing business. Liability coverage is necessary to register an automobile in some states. Fire insurance on a dwelling may be required by lenders who finance mortgages. Professional people and businesses may need insurance to protect themselves. Where such laws or regulations do not contradict God's higher laws, we are to obey the laws of the land (Acts 5:29; Rom. 13).

In conclusion, it is neither a lack of faith nor unscriptural to carry various kinds of insurance. Rather, insurance can help us properly love God, our neighbor, and ourselves in a true Christian manner. As in any decision, one should use prudence and wisdom in deciding the amounts and kinds of insurance to carry.

Thank you again for your interest. Please let us know whenever we can be of further assistance with your study of the Bible.


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