February 1988
Dear Friend:
Thank you for your question concerning the proper care of a
woman's hair.
We read in the Bible that "if a woman have long hair, it is
a glory to her" (I Cor. 11:15). Something that is a GLORY should
be given special care and attention. Hair should be groomed and
worn in a tasteful and attractive manner. If left on its own, it
would soon become very unattractive.
At the same time, one ought to keep proper modesty in mind.
Some have gone to extremes out of vanity, which, of course, is
certainly not God's will. In I Timothy 2:9-10 we find these
instructions: "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves
in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with
braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array. But (which
becometh women professing godliness) with good works." Please
also see I Peter 3:3. The "braided hair, or gold, or pearls" Paul
mentions refers to a popular hairstyle of his day in which women
piled their hair in an overdone, immodest set of braids
interwoven with expensive jewelry.
Because Paul mentioned long hair, some have been afraid to
cut or style their hair at all. Notice, however, that the text
does not read "uncut hair"; it reads "long hair" (I Cor. 11:15).
The Bible nowhere prohibits tasteful cutting, curling, styling,
or setting of a woman's hair. Any length is appropriate if the
hair is long enough to be a covering. Any style is all right as
long as it is modest and looks feminine.
If we can be of further service to you in the future, please
do not hesitate to let us know.