

May 1987

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your recent inquiry about the proposed establishment of a reformed calendar.

The most commonly proposed new calendar is one known as the World Calendar. It portends some far-reaching effects for those who observe the Sabbath!

Notice how this calendar would change the weekly cycle, which has been constant from Creation. To make each quarter of the year contain the same number of days, it is proposed, among other things, that December 31 be made a "World Day." That is, it would be a world holiday and would be outside the weekly cycle. It is further proposed that each quarter begin with a Sunday and end with a Saturday. Consider the effect these changes would have.

Suppose this calendar were in effect now and today was Saturday, the weekly Sabbath, and that it happened to be December 30. Tomorrow would be called "World Day." (There would no longer be a December 31.) The next day, which would actually be Monday in our present calendar, would be called "Sunday." Tuesday would be called "Monday," etc. Thus the week for the entire next year would be one day off. The weekly Sabbath would be called "Friday." It would be a normal work day to all except those who observe God's Sabbath.

Each following year would also end with a World Day and change the Sabbath still further! In addition, every four years June 30 would also be declared a World Day. In such years, the Sabbath would be changed an additional day after the end of June. The Sabbath would coincide with "Saturday" only every five or six years.

It does make a difference whether or not the weekly cycle is preserved! The reasons are discussed in our free booklets HAS TIME BEEN LOST? and WHICH DAY IS THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH? We encourage you to write for your free copies.


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