

January 1988

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your recent inquiry in which you asked if the last twelve verses of Mark's gospel are inspired. Yes, they are.

One of the most controversial points in religious circles is whether Mark 16:9-20 is actually part of Scripture. Although it appears in the King James Version, many other translations either label this section as an appendix or leave it in the footnotes, as in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. The Moffatt Translation, together with the Goodspeed and others, not only has the long ending found in the King James Version, but it also has ANOTHER shorter ending.

The longer ending to Mark's gospel is quoted extremely early in church history. Mark 16:19 is quoted AS A PART OF MARK'S ACCOUNT by Irenaeus in "Against Heresies" (Bk. iii, 10, 6) between A.D. 182 and 188. There are allusions to these disputed verses in even earlier writings, although not as true quotations. Not only did Irenaeus accept it as a part of Mark's gospel when arguing with "heretics," but, says Hastings: "No writer before Eusebius is known to have rejected them, and their presence in all later MSS [manuscripts] shows that the successors of Eusebius, in spite of his great authority, did not follow his judgment in the matter." (Eusebius was the court favorite and the church historian in the days of Emperor Constantine.) These facts point plainly to the great antiquity of the longer ending as preserved in the common English versions.

If these last verses of Mark's gospel are left out, the book does not come to an orderly conclusion, as does EVERY OTHER BOOK IN THE BIBLE. Human writings are filled with error, but the Bible is COMPLETE, INSPIRED and WHOLLY PRESERVED through the power of God. These verses are an INSPIRED PART of the Word of God.

Thank you for your interest. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.


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