January 1988
Dear Friend:
Thank you for your question concerning Mark 16:18.
This verse is a promise of protection -- not a command -- to
those individuals God has called to preach the Gospel (notice
verse 15).
An example of this occurred when the apostle Paul was bitten
by a poisonous snake while gathering firewood (Acts 28:1-6). It
is important to realize that he was not purposely handling the
snake. Rather, this incident was an UNEXPECTED accident. And God
miraculously protected His servant according to His promise!
Deliberately handling poisonous snakes or drinking deadly
liquids expecting God's protection is definitely contrary to
Christ's teachings. In Matthew 4:5-6, Satan tried to persuade
Christ to throw Himself down from a pinnacle merely because He
had a promise of protection. However, Christ rebuked Satan
because he had MISAPPLIED the scripture. Christ said to Satan, as
He says to anyone who delights in misapplying God's promise of
protection, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God" (verse 7).
Therefore, the practice of deliberately handling deadly snakes or
drinking poisonous liquids is definitely wrong!
Thank you again for your question. If you would like
information concerning faith and how it is manifested, write for
our free booklet entitled WHAT IS FAITH?