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Old Church of God (Seventh Day) literature sought

If anyone has any of the below, please notify me so that arrangements can be made to scan them.

NB: When CG7 had Midwest Bible College (MBC) in Stanberry, MO there was a wonderful, large library.  It included many volumes of excellent theology research books.  When the college closed in 1975 the library went first to Summit School of Theology in Denver.  Then, when that closed in about the year 2000 the books just remained in an unheated building which possibly resulted in their deterioration.  From around 2021 there has been talk of selling the Conference property in Colorado.  So many of the books were sent to Spring Vale Academy in Michigan and others got disbursed to places unknown.  

The CG7 literature, though, was never kept in the library.  It was in the publishing house vault downstairs from the college in Stanberry.  When the publishing house moved to Denver (1975) some of the old literature and magazine were moved, others were left behind.  A previous pastor of the Stanberry, MO church found that there were still quite a lot of things in the vault - including a knee-high stack of Sabbath School Missionary periodical. 

Only some MBC library books were sent to Springvale.  All CG7 tracts, magazines and other literature were kept in the publishing house vault. But where are they today? No one is willing to reveal their location or they were thrown out. If so, that together with the fire to the head office in the early 1900s, has resulted in the loss of much of original CG7 literature and history.  

Tracts and articles sought:

1866 Books & Tracts listed in Hope of Israel, 12 June 1866. First known tract list

1866 Books & Tracts listed in Hope of Israel, 10 July 1866

1872 Books & Tracts listed in Hope of Israel, 2 Jan 1872

1893 Tracts listed in the booklet Discussion on the Destruction of the Wicked (1893). View the cover here

1899 Books and Tracts listed in The Bible Tracts Series, 15 Oct 1899 

1890s Books and Tracts listed in Church of God. What is it? (c1890s)

Below is from lists assembled by Richard C Nickels:

c1906/07 Tracts

Tracts, with their authors, pages and price, as advertised in 1907 issues of the Bible Advocate are:

Baptism, J.T. Williamson, 16 p., $.05 [now available on this website]

20th Century Truisms, W.C. Long, 46 p., $.08

Is it a Literal Fact? (about Lazarus and the Rich Man), A.F. Dugger, 16 p., $.03

Tithing System, B.F. Purdham, 8 p., $.02

The Two Kingdoms, B.F. Purdham, 12 p., $.02

An Old Habit, C.S. De Ford, 4 p., $.01

Meat in Due Season, J.W. Marsh, 43 p., $.05

Introduction to Open Letter, S.D. Heady, 32 p., $.05

Reasons for Embracing and Observing Jehovah's Sabbath, Almon Hall, 8 p., $.02

The Two Laws, A.C. Long, 8 p., $.02

A Talk to the Children, A.F. Dugger, 32 p., $.05

The Thief on the Cross, A.F. Dugger, 8 p., $.02

Modern Prophets and Prophecies, Harlan P. Peck, 48 p., $.08

The Restitution, A.F. Dugger, 16 p., $.03

The Future Home of the Saints, W.C. Long, 32 p., $.05

The False and the True on the Law, W.L. Crowe, 32 p., $.10

The Holy City of God, a sermon, by W.C. Long, 8 p., $.02

The King of the North, who, or what is it? E.S. Sheffield, 47 p., $.10

The Week, A.J. Eychaner, 32 p., $.05

Bible Lessons, No. 1, J.R. Goodenough, 16 p., $.03

The Desolation of the Earth examined and refuted, A.F. Dugger, 12 p., $.03

The Two-Horned Beast of Revelation 13, Showing its Application to the Papacy, A.C. Long, 24 p., $.04

Second Coming of Christ, Jacob Brinkerhoff, $.03

God's Sabbath Day from Eden Until Now, W.H. Ebert, 13 p., $.03

The Two Covenants, W.C. Long, 16 p., $.03

Mrs. White's Visions, Jacob Brinkerhoff, 16 p., $.03

The Restoration of the Jews to their own Land, W.C. Long, 8 p., $.02

Thoughts on the Lord's Supper, or "The Christian Passover," W.C. Long, 16 p., $.05

Thoughts on the First Day of the week, A.F.Dugger, 16 p., $.03

The True Sabbath, W.C. Long, 15 p., $.03

Crucifixion and Resurrection Azazel and Other Essays, C.S. De Ford, 94 p., free

The Ten Commandments, W.C. Long, 16 p., $.03

Change of the Sabbath - Who Authorized It? A.C. Long, 16 p., $.04

Christian Materialism, Jacob Brinkerhoff, $.03

Sunday versus Sabbath, Albert D. Rust, 38 p., $.08

The Bible Student's Assistant, $.10

Points of Difference between The Church of God and Seventh-Day Adventists, A.F. Dugger, 88 p., $.10

Begotten Again, or Born Again - Which? David Nield, 16 p., $.03

Songs of Truth, 235 p., $.40

The Gospel of the Sanctuary, E.P. Dexter, 35 p., $.15

The Good Friday Problem, David Nield, 16 p., $.03

Conditional Immortality, E.E. Rogers, 32 p., $.08

The Importance of Keeping the Sabbath, L. Niel, 14 p., $.03

1913-1916 Additional Tracts

Future Punishment, S.P. Whitney, 28 p., $.03

Thoughts on Matthew 24, S.S. Davison, 14 p., $.02

Repentance, H.T. Whitehall, 8 p., $.01

The Two Kingdoms, B.F. Purdham, 12 p., $.02

The Word Made Flesh, Minnie Presler, $.01

A Sermon Submitted to Opposers of God's Law, E.G. Blackmon, 14 p., $02

Why I Observe the Sabbath, the Seventh Day of the Week, Jacob Brinkerhoff, 16 p., $.02 [now available on this website]

Meat for Thinking Minds, Apostles Commission to preach gospel, H.T. Whitehall, 28 p., $.04

Is the Soul Immortal? And, What is the Soul? S.P. Whitney, 43 p., $.08

The Coming King; Watchman, Where are we? Second Coming of Christ, S.S. Davison, 13 p., $.04

The Bible or Roman Catholic Catechism, Which? E.G. Blackmon, 8 p., $.01

Bible Teaching of Future Life in Kingdom of God, and a History of the Temple in Jerusalem, Alpheus Davison, 122 p., $.15

The Bible Student's Assistant, Doctrines of the Church of God, 48 p., $.05

Rome in Prophecy, I.N. Kramer, 28 p., $.03

The Bible Sabbath Defended (3rd edition), A.F. Dugger, 120 p., $.15

Truths, Past, Present, Future, E.S. Sheffield, 16 p., $.02

Law and Order, Disorder and the Gospel, J.F. Flory, 54 p., $.10

Comparison of Early Writings of Ellen G. White with Later Publications, A.C. Long, 16 p., $.02

Power for Witnessing, Albion F. Ballenger, 201 p., $.75

The Reformation, Alonzo T. Jones, $1.00

The Turkish Tangle, Alonzo T. Jones, 96 p., $.20

An Appeal to Skeptics (Is the Bible true?) A.D. Rust, 298 p., $.50

Are We Duty Bound to Keep the Sabbath in this Age? L.O. Van Nostrand, 28 p., $.05

The Twelve Tribes Scattered Abroad, Loretta Reynolds, $.01

Liberty of Thought in School or What is History, Lloyd Shanklin, $.05

The Plan of Redemption, J.R. Goodenough, 32 p., $.08

Parable of Ten Virgins, C.S. De Ford, 16 p., $.05

Babylon, The Great Systematical City of Confusion, W.S. Ward, 28 p., $.08

The Worship of the Beast and His Image, Elder Willis Logan, 31 p., $.05

The Passover and the Lord's Supper, H.T. Whitehall, 8 p., $.03

Destiny of the Wicked, J.R. Goodenough, 15 p., $.03

The Bible a Much Misunderstood Book - Why? Alpheus Davison, 17 p., $.02

The Spirits in Prison, J. Neusch, $.01

1920 New Tracts

The Battle of Armageddon, A.N. Dugger, 49 p., $.20

The New Testament, J.R. Goodenough, 31 p., $.06

Justification by Faith, J.R. Goodenough, 30 p., $.06

The Divine Paternity of Jesus, E.G. Blackmon, 24 p., $.05

The Intermediate State and Judgment Age, I.N. Kramer, 60 p., $.10

The Resurrection of Christ - Which Day Did it Occur? A.N. Dugger, 12 p., $.03

The Name Church of God, A.N. Dugger, 6 p., $.03

Present Truth, J. Neusch, 120 p., $.25

A Glimpse of The Closing Work of God in the World and Its Relation to the Sabbath and Seventh-Day Adventists, G.E. Fifield, $.05

1924 Tracts

Counterfeit and Genuine Sabbath, my experience with Both, G.W. Sarber, 8 p., $.02

Conditional Immortality, E.E. Rogers, 24 p., $.05

Future Punishment, S.P. Whitenew, 16 p., $.05

How to Tithe and Why, by a layman, 8 p., $.03

In Memory of Our Beloved Dead, H.C. Kilgore, 14 p., $.04

Plan of Salvation, Mary E. Eastman, 30 p., $.10

Proclamation of Liberty, 280 p., $1.00

The Four World Empires, A.N. Dugger, 12 p., $.03

The Death Penalty, A.N. Dugger, 10 p., $.04

The Sign of Jonah, John Kolvoord, 36 p., $.15

The Sanctuary, M. Yvonne Hastings, 11 p., $.05

The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast, A.N. Dugger, $.05

Priest Enright's $1,000 offer; an offer by a Catholic priest for Bible evidence of Sunday sacredness, free

Destiny of the Wicked

The Name Church of God

Does the Bible Teach Church Organization?

Vision of the late Mrs. Ellen G. White

The Two Laws

The Future Home of the Saints

Ten Commandments

Sunday and Sabbath

1925 The "Gems of Truth" Series

To accompany the sale of Bible Home Instructors, a series of tracts were printed in the 1920's to outline more fully Church of God doctrines. The purpose of the tracts was to build churches and add members. Colporteurs would call on homes, leaving tract #1, come back a week later, and if the response was favorable, leave tract #2, and so on.

They sold (probably to the colporteurs, who gave them free) for 2 cents each, or $1.00 per 100 and $5.00 for 1,000. Tracts listed in the series in 1925 included:

1. The Return of the Jews

2. The Signs of Our Times

3. The Battle of Armageddon

4. The Bible Name for the Bible Church

5. The Two Laws

6. Has Time Been Lost?

7. Bible Baptism

8. The Resurrection of Christ, Which Day?

9. The New Testament Sabbath, $10,000 offered for opposing scriptures

10. The Third Angel's Message

11. The Mark of the Beast

12. The Number of the Beast is 666

13. Where Are the Dead?

14. The Spirit, Eccl. 13:7, Explained

15. Bible Facts About Hell

16. Justified by Faith

17. In His Image

[According to Richard Nickels: "The 17-tract series on doctrinal issues, "Gems of Truth," was written and adapted for missionary work in 1925. One of these tracts was entitled, "The Third Angel's Message." In the period from August 1, 1925 to August 1, 1926, some 624,000 pages in English were printed in tract form on practical, doctrinal and prophetic subjects. A book bindery was bought and paid for to add to the press at Stanberry, and $2,300 was borrowed for an addition to the publishing house. The Sabbath School Missionary was changed to a weekly."]