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John Kiesz (1904-1996)

Papers and Articles




History of the Church of God (seventh day) (PDF) 1965 96 pages. Click here for interesting extracts
History of the Church of God (seventh day) (Word) 1965 96 pages
History of Sabbath and Sunday (PDF)   26 pages
History of Sabbath and Sunday (Word)   31 pages (5 additional pages are due to different font to PDF article. No additional information)
Some Church of God History   4 pages
History of Nations Foretold   33 pages. Published in the 1950s
The Christological Controversy   19 pages. Kiesz takes an Arian position. This booklet is uploaded for historical interest only.
Our Heritage Reveals our Message by Victor Novak 1990 Contains a photograph of Mr & Mrs Kiesz (3 pages)
The Way it looks from here 1990 4 pages
Church of God and prophecy (PDF) 1980s Includes extracts from letters to myself (1 page)
Church of God and prophecy (Word) 1980s Includes extracts from letters to myself (1 page)
Interview with John Kiesz (HTML) 1996
Interview with John Kiesz (Word) 1996 5 pages
Two Living Saints (PDF) 4 pages


Title Year


Variety of booklets and tracts    
Photographs and other information    
Music samples   More here
Letters   Of course, I don't necessarily agree with all the contents of the letters. They are made available for historical research purposes only
John Kiesz's grave   www.findagrave.com/memorial/68218332/john-kiesz
Information by Richard C Nickels    

Extracts from History of the Church of God (7th day) by John Kiesz:

Year 1842 -

"It is evident that there were Sabbath-keeping groups (independent) besides the Seventh Day Baptists, before and during the time of William Miller's preaching and prediction of the end of the world, in 1844. Elder Gilbert Cranmer of Michigan wrote in his memoirs that he received his first light on the Sabbath in 1843 from an article in the Midnight Cry, a Millerite publication, written by J. C. Day of Ashburhan, Massachusetts. S. C. Hancock of Forestville, Connecticut, also advocated the doctrine in the same year … Many isolated groups had sprung up in various areas, it is said, before the 1844 disappointment, that is, seventh-day local groups, as well as isolated individuals. This may be readily ascertained from things that were written by Elder James White (and by others) about their various trips they made to groups which they tried to get into their fellowship.

When the Whites made their tours over the Eastern and Midwestern states in the early 1860's for the purpose of effecting cooperation and general organization, they found many congregations of Sabbath-keepers. Many of them became affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventists, while others began to fellowship and cooperate with those who later became known as the "Church of God." Some of the groups remained independent of all general organizations. Subsequent church history shows that although some of the independent Sabbatarian groups aligned themselves neither with the Seventh Day Baptists, nor with the Seventh-day Adventists, yet for logical reasons, as far as they were concerned, did actually desire cooperation and fellowship in order to more effectively propagate gospel truths as they saw them." (p2)

Year 1865-

One name postulated for the non-SDA Church of God folk was ‘Free Seventh-Day Adventists’ (p40)

Year 1867-

An article appeared in The Hope of Israel (23 April) advocating an annual Passover on 14 Abib: "an excellent article by Samuel Cronce, Mt. Carroll, Illinois, contending that the early church, to the time of Constantine, observed the Lord’s Supper annually at the beginning of the 14th Abib, and that we should now show His death until He comes, by also observing it at the beginning of the 14th." (p49)

Year 1868-

"The Napoleon Empire in Prophecy. A reprint from Signs of the Times, in the Hope of Israel, Vol III, No. 19, dated February 23, 1869, stated that Napoleon Bonaparte’s vast Empire over which he reigned from 1804 to 1815, was the Beast that went into the bottomless pit (Revelation 17:8)" (p54)

Year 1872-

Dialogue with Seventh Day Baptists. (p56)

Year 1875-

"Objections having been made to the name, "Sabbatarian Adventist Church," as adopted at our first conference, it was moved and carried that we select the scriptural name "Church of God," and henceforth known in a church capacity by that name." (p58)

Year 1896-

"It was during this year that the German Brethren of the Church of God organized near Eureka, South Dakota, in the northern part of the state, not knowing anything of the General Conference of the Church of God, nor that there was a work going on in the southern part of the state … it was until about 1923 (late) that the group learned of the Church of God with headquarters at Stanberry, Missouri." (p67)

Year 1900-

"Rome in Prophecy by Elder W.H. Littlejohn. Complete power to be restored to the Papacy in the near future. The true church about to be subjected to another terrible persecution. Italy the sixth head of the prophetic beast of Revelation 17. (And here was inserted a cut of the Seven-headed and Ten-horned Beast). This shows that way back at the turn of the Century someone felt that the Catholic Church would get back into power." (p70)

Year 1911-

Elder A.T. Jones (former SDA) associates with the Church of God! He attending the camp meeting at Missouri: "one of the highlights was the presence of Elder A.T. Jones." (p75)

From my own notes: Alonzo T Jones authored two works on the subject of the origin of nations, The Peopling of the Earth (1887) and The Empires of the Bible (vol 1) (1904). He was obviously inspired by contemporary writers; in turn others were inspired by his writings. He was an associate of GG Rupert.

Year 1922-

"Prince of Ethiopia Visits. The Prince of Ethiopia, Wixzezyxard Challoughczilzise, accompanied by his secretary, Elder R.B. St. Clair, arrived at Stanberry, June 12th, 1922, where he spoke to appreciative audiences for several nights. He was well-educated, and quite a musician … In 1922 the country kept the Sabbath as a nation, and held man tenets of faith similar with the Church of God, While here, the Prince was presented with two Bible Home Instructors, which he apparently prized highly. From Stanberry he went to Marion on his way to Chicago where he expected to leave for his country." (p81)

Year 1934-

"there was a wonderful campmeeting held in Salem during the time of the Feast of Pentecost, and another one at St. Joseph, Missouri in the fall of during the Feast of Tabernacles. Many new and independent Sabbath-keepers were added to thet fold for the next several years, but troubles soon arose." (p88)

Year 1935-

"there was a blessed and success-ful campmeetng held at Jefferson, Oregon; and the fall campmeeting was held during the time of the Feast of Tabernacles at Galena, Kansas." (p88)