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Alonzo Trevier Jones (1850-1923)


[NB: this information is posted here for your interest and research. I do not necessarily subscribe to all that he writes - the same statement can be said of some other postings on this site]

Alonzo T Jones  

Click for information on GG Rupert and AF Ballenger, associates of Jones

Books and Articles




Abiding Sabbath and the Lord's Day 1888  
Ancient Sun Worship    
Bible Questions & Answers concerning Man 1890  
Christian Education    
Ecclesiastical Empire 1901  
From Babylon to New Jerusalem   Extracts only available
Immaculate Conception 1894 PDF version
Immaculate Conception 1894 Html version
Immortality of the Soul    
Lessons from the Reformation    
National Sunday Law 1889  
Our God is a Consuming Fire 1898-99  
Peopling of the Earth1887Complete PDF version
Peopling of the Earth 1887 Extracts
Spirit of the Papacy    
The Great Empires of Prophecy 1898  
The Place of the Bible in Christian Education    
The Third Angels Message 1895  
The Empires of the Bible 1904  
Information on Find a Grave 1923 www.findagrave.com/memorial/56958205/alonzo-trevier-jones
Letter to EG White 1909  

The importance of Alonzo Trevier Jones to the Church of God

In my book In Search of ... the Origin of Nations (published 2003), I refer to Alonzo Jones and his books, as I also did in the original manuscript written in 1982. Also, in my paper Greenberry G Rupert. Man of God, I state the following:

"It is important to realise that Rupert lived at a time that Seventh-day Adventist scholar Alonzo T Jones and others wrote about the Biblical origin of nations (ie research into the nations of Genesis 10).  

This is one of the most over-looked chapters in the entire Bible. Bible scholars from previous times, going back centuries, have had a fascination with it, but gradually with the rise of humanism and the anti-literal interpretation of scripture, interest in this chapter as the basis for the origin of nations has receded to become an almost taboo subject. 

In the eighteenth century Sir William Jones and J Bryant wrote on the subject with the interest in this chapter of God’s Word peaked late last century with academics such as Rawlinson famous for his Origin of Nations (1878); and Sayce in such books as Races of the Old Testament (1891; 1925), who showed an intense interest in the subject. Famous Seventh-day Adventist scholar, Alonzo T Jones authored two works on the subject, The Peopling of the Earth (1887) and The Empires of the Bible (vol 1) (1904). He was obviously inspired by contemporary writers; in turn others this century were inspired by his writings" (p.4)

 Richard Nickels in his The Remnant of Israel wrote:

"Disagreement between Rupert and Seventh-Day Adventists was reported in the Remnant of November 1915.  Adventist Elder J.H. Morrison at College View, Nebraska, wrote a booklet titled “A Straight Talk to Old Brethren,” which denounced the teachings of Elders Jones and Rupert.  Rupert retorted, “I hold that William Miller and all Seventh-Day Adventists were led in false and unscriptural teaching on prophecy.

... Elder Alonzo T. Jones, who preached with Rupert at College View and Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1914, and died in 1923."

In 1911 Elder A.T. Jones associates with the Church of God! He attending the camp meeting at Missouri: “one of the highlights was the presence of Elder A.T. Jones.” (History of the Church of God (Seventh Day) by John Kiesz, p.75). AT Jones is mentioned again as an associate or member of the Church of God in 1914 (p.77).


According to http://www.aplib.org/Gallery.htm:

Alonzo T. Jones 1850-1923
At age 20, A. T. Jones began three years of service in the Army. Interestingly enough, he spent much of his time pouring over large historical works, SDA publications, and the Bible. He was baptized when he left the Army, and began preaching on the West Coast. In May, 1885, he became editor of the Signs of the Times, and was later joined by E. J. Waggoner.

In 1888, these two men stirred the General Conference session in Minneapolis with their preaching on righteousness by faith. For several years thereafter, they preached on that subject from coast to coast. Ellen White accompanied them on many occasions. She saw in Jones’ presentations of "the precious subject of faith and the righteousness of Christ...a flood of light" (EGW 1888 Materials, p. 291).
Jones was on the General Conference Committee in 1897 and editor-in-chief of the Review and Herald from 1897 to 1901.In 1889, with J. O. Corliss, he spoke against a bill in the U.S. Congress on Sunday observance; the bill was defeated. Thereafter he was a prominent speaker for religious freedom, serving as editor of the forerunner of the Liberty magazine.

After being president of the California Conference (1901-1903), he joined Dr. J. H. Kellogg’s staff against the counsel of E. G. White, a move which after a series of unfortunate misunderstandings and unwise choices, led to his separation from denominational employment and loss of church membership.

Jones remained a Sabbath observer and loyal to most of the other doctrines of the church. He is remembered especially for his part in bringing into prominence the doctrine of justification by faith.

[NB: While Jones kept to many basic SDA doctrines, he actually associated with the Church of God (seventh day) and rejected certain SDA beliefs]

From http://www.gleaneronline.org/101/7/29046.html:

Alonzo T. Jones
From Indian Fighter to Adventist Preacher

At the age of 20, Alonzo T. Jones left his home in Rockhill, Ohio, and enlisted in the U.S. Army where he served in the Southwest before being transferred to Fort Vancouver in the Northwest. In January 1873, his company was transferred to northern California to reinforce existing troops who were attempting to dislodge 50 Modoc Indians from lava beds near Tule Lake and return them to their reservation.

Soon after their arrival, Lieutenants Sherwood and Boyle approached the Indians under a flag of truce, but were fired upon. As they ran for safety, Sherwood was killed. Jones’ group was closest to the action and was able to help Boyle escape and recover Sherwood’s body.

In time, the Indians were captured and taken to Indian Territory in what is today Oklahoma. Jones’ company of battle-weary soldiers was given orders to walk across eastern Oregon during the summer to their new assignment at Fort Walla Walla.

In 1874, Isaac Van Horn, the first Adventist minister to work in the Northwest, started by holding tent meetings in Walla Walla, the largest town in the Washington Territory. As a result, he organized a church of more than 60 members, who erected one of the nicest church buildings in the town.

One of the individuals who accepted the Lord and joined this church was Alonzo T. Jones. Describing his conversion, Adelia Van Horn wrote, “The next one that came forward (to be baptized) was a young soldier from the garrison. For weeks, he has been earnestly seeking the Lord, and a few days since received bright evidences of sins forgiven. After being buried with Christ he arose, exclaiming with upraised hands, ‘Dead to the world, and alive to thee, O my God.’" (Review and Herald, Aug. 25, 1874)

Following his baptism, Jones spent his spare time studying the Scriptures, especially the prophecies. By the time of his discharge from the Army in late 1875, he was well-informed on the teachings of the Bible and began assisting Van Horn with his evangelistic meetings. Six months later after organizing churches in Milton and Dayton, the two ministers moved to the Willamette Valley. Here, they conducted tent meetings and organized a church in Salem followed by congregations in Eola, Eugene City, Beaverton and Damascus.

In 1877, Adelia Van Horn’s sister, Francis Patten, came to the Northwest for a visit. While here she fell in love with Jones and they were married. At first the two families lived together. George Knight in his biography of Jones mentioned that this arrangement soon proved to be a mistake. The misunderstandings that developed put a strain on the couple’s relationship that continued for years. When a second conference (Upper Columbia) was established in 1880 in the Northwest for the territory east of the Cascade Mountains, the General Conference leaders thought it best to move Jones to the new conference. Here Jones held meetings in Farmington, Washington Territory, and organized a church. He also erected a church building for them.

For years, Jones had been asking denominational leaders for an opportunity to leave the Northwestern frontier to either attend college or work in the East. In 1884, he was transferred to California where he became co-editor of the Signs of the Times with E. J. Waggoner. Four years later, these young men presented messages on righteousness by faith at the 1888 General Conference Session that made a lasting impact on the denomination.

Doug R. Johnson, Upper Columbia Conference executive secretary, writes from Spokane, Washington.


“Report of College View Campmeeting,” The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom, 4 Aug 1914, p. 590:

The College View, Nebraska, Campmeeting opened June 25th, 1914, for a two week’s meeting which closed July 7. The meetings were well attended. There were three services each day, consisting of prayer and praise service ten A. M., preaching at three P. M., and again t eight.

The people of College View, and Lincoln, also those who came from a distance were favored with the presence of the well known speakers, Alonzo T. Jones, G. G. Rupert, and A. F. Ballenger. These men are known to most of the readers of the ADVOCATE as able expounders of the sacred word. Bro. Jones spoke mainly on Religious Liberty, viewing it from almost every standpoint possible, also bringing out the texts which portray the true and only church, the body of Christ, of which ‘‘Christ is the head’’ and Christians members. Eph. 4. The main trend of the lesson was ‘Behold your God.’’

Bro. Rupert brought out many good lessons largely brought out many good lessons largely two witnesses showing that God’s law is an eternal one…” (p. 590)

This was followed by a report on Ballenger’s presentation.

The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom, 19 Oct 1915, p. 736:

“Bro. Alonzo T. Jones is now holding a meeting at We feel certain that his efforts there will be to the glory of God and that much good will be accomplished.”

The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom, 24 March 1914, pp. 288: 

“THERE are Independent Seventh Day Adventists laboring to advance the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, seemingly to labor in an independent way. Eld. A. T. Jones and G. G. Rupert have held meetings the past winter at College View, Neb., where the Seventh Day Adventists have denominational work.

reporting successful work. In California Eld. John S. Wightman and wife, Lulu Wightman, have held independent meetings fora few years, mostly open-air meetings, at present in San Francisco. They all claim to preach the Third Angel’s Message of Rev. 14, in distinction to Seventh Day Adventists claim.”