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Abraham Cauffman Long


Various Information and history

Book or Information


Basic information He was first President of the General Conference of the Church of God in 1884; was publisher and editor of the Advent and Sabbath Advocate (15 Nov 1887 - 5 June 1888); and pastor of the Marion, Iowa congregation for some time.
The Two-Horned Beast of Revelation 13, Showing its Application to the Papacy Published c1880s. 16 pages
Comparison of Early Writings of Ellen G. White with Later Publications Published 1883. 16 pages
Change of the Sabbath. Who Authorized it? Published late 1800s. 16 pages
The Two Laws 8 pages - this tract is being sought
The Three Messages of Rev. 14 This tract is being sought
William C Long Brother to Abraham and a pioneer and editor for the Church of God
Ancestor information


Gavesite https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/20780378/abraham-cauffman-long