(A repository of rare Church of God periodicals, theses, papers and audios for research purposes)
Explore by:
Sabbatarian History
Andrew Dugger Literature
The majority of his writings, many of them rare but there are still others missing that ne... ed to be found and preserved. -
Bible Sabbath Association
The BSA was formally organised as an association in 1945 and is is a strictly nonsectarian... association with members from a wide variety of seventh-day observing groups groups. It publishes the popular Sabbath Sentinel magazine and a range of books and tracts. -
Church of God & Sabbatarian History
Ancient and modern history of Sabbatarians, various pioneers such as Gilbert Cranmer, Andr... ew Dugger, Greenberry Rupert etc -
Church of God & Sabbatarian History Videos and Audios
A large number of video and audio sermons, Bible studies and presentations on the history ... of the Church of God and Sabbatarians. -
Church of God (Seventh Day) Information and Research
History, doctrinal development, old books and tracts, old periodicals -
Giving & Sharing Site
The original website of Richard Nickels (1949-2006) preserved -
Greenberry G Rupert
Church of God pioneer for the period c1902-1922 -
Old Church of God Periodicals
Church of God (Seventh Day) and other groups periodicals since the 1850s! -
Photographs and Graphics
Hundreds of photographs of Worldwide Church of God & Church of God (Seventh Day) pioneers,... Feast of Tabernacles, Ambassador College -
Russellite Research
Charles Tazed Russell founded the Bible Student movement. He and others at that time resea... rched and wrote on many Biblical doctrines such as a future ‘fair chance’ of salvation for all of mankind, born again culminating in the resurrection etc. -
Seventh Day Baptist Research
The SDBs can be traced back to the 1500s. The Churches of God emanate from that movement a... nd later alongside it -
Seventh-day Adventist Research
The SDAs were officially established in the 1860s but have longer roots and influences. Th... ey possess libraries and online resources with extensive historical records and archives of the Sabbatarians.
Worldwide Church of God
Ambassador College (WCG)
Information, history, maps, photographs, treasures etc from all 3 campuses. Media articles... . Kenneth Herrmann's memoirs etc -
Ambassador College Lectures & Worldwide Church of God Sermons and Bible Studies
Presented by Herman L Hoeh, Raymond McNair, Roderick Meredith, Leroy Neff, Dean Blackwell,... Russell Duke, Peter Nathan, Richard Paige, Don Ward, Melvin Rhodes, Scott Ashley, John Ogwyn, Ron Kelly etc -
Apostasy in the Church Documented
Audios, videos, media articles, resignation letters, doctrinal changes, proofs of a conspi... racy -
Archives of WCG Literature
A library of old Plain Truths, Good News, Tomorrow's World, Worldwide News, AC Corresponde... nce Course, books, booklets, reprint articles, Envoys, Hymnals, Youth Bible Lessons, Pastor General's Reports, Ministerial Bulletin, Church of God News, Coworker Letters etc -
Herbert W Armstrong
A collection of his writings and sermons, rare papers, photographs, original articles, boo... ks, articles. Information on Don Hunter who recorded his broadcasts in the 1930s. Also, the Historical Trail in Oregon. -
Herbert W Armstrong & Church of God Historical Trail
Following the history of Herbert Armstrong and the original Radio Church of God sequential... ly and geographically from its foundations in Oregon and then its move to California -
Indexes (WCG)
Indexes of WCG magazines, booklets, Letter Answering Dept, Topical Index, AC collection, W... CG collection at Fuller's Seminary etc -
Ministerial Information
Miscellaneous information including lists of early ministers, policies, periodicals, manua... ls -
Worldwide Church of God Doctrinal Development
How did the various doctrines come into the Church and be accepted, expanded upon and modi... fied? -
Worldwide Church of God Earliest Members
The first known baptised members and attendees 1930s-1950s -
Worldwide Church of God Early Bulletins and newsletters (1930s-40s)
These represent the only known surviving copies of 1930s periodicals -
Worldwide Church of God History
Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Constitutions since 1946. Media articles, Ministeria... l Policies & Resources, Conferences, Lists of Ministers since the 1950s etc -
Worldwide Church of God History of Foreign Works
History of the various Works outside of the USA -
Worldwide Church of God Literature & Resources
Literature, Bible Bowl, Doctrinal Outlines, Hebrew Calendar research, Church History resea... rch, Bible Studies -
Worldwide Church of God Pioneers & Researchers
Mammoth collection of rare papers and research etc by Herman L Hoeh, Kenneth Herrmann, Ray... mond McNair, Gene Carter, Garner Ted Armstrong etc
Bible Study Tools 1
A huge amount of Bible commentaries, helps and handbooks to assist with your Bible studies... and research -
Bible Study Tools 2
Even more items to assist with Bible studies -
Free online Libraries & Books
Links to hundreds of free online books, many of them originally published centuries ago! -
Further research into doctrines and related topics
Hundreds of books, papers and articles to assist you with your researches. Mainly non-Chur... ch of God -
Hebrew Calendar Research
There are a number of calendars that various groups use. Which is the correct one? -
Herman L Hoeh Research Materials
This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr Herman L Hoeh, in accordance with Rom. 12:10; 1... 3:7; Heb 13:7; Luke 10:16; IITim 2:1-2. -
History of the Fair Chance Doctrine
Everyone will be given a chance for salvation. How did this doctrine enter into the Church... of God from centuries of neglect? You will find that God does indeed work in mysterious ways -
Israel - the 'lost' tribes research
Books, articles, links (mainly non-Church of God sources) -
Israel Identity, Origin of Nations, Prophecy
'Lost' tribes research, National Identities, Origin of Nations, Prophecy articles and char... ts, US & Britain in prophecy (all editions) -
Miscellaneous Church of God Items & Doctrinal Research
Bible Law indexes, D&R doctrine, Economy, Agriculture, Conferences, Pre-Adamic World, Worl... d History, Ministers’ grave sites, etc -
My articles on Church of God History
Hundreds of pages of research on the history of the Church and Sabbatarians -
My articles on the 'Lost' Tribes of Israel
Over 450 pages of Bible studies, articles, charts, tables and research on the tribes of Is... rael available for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course. Please be aware and respectful of the fact that these will form part of a large book on the subject. -
My articles on the Millennium
The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies on the period of the Messiah’s reign. Unfortun... ately, many of these are overlooked or ignored. Rather, they need to be explored and understood -
My Articles, Studies and Tables/Charts
Over 4,600 pages of papers, articles, studies, charts, tables - unique research on Biblica... l, doctrinal and historical topics
Information, history, maps, photographs, treasures etc from all 3 campuses. Media articles. Kenneth Herrmann's memoirs etc
Presented by Herman L Hoeh, Raymond McNair, Roderick Meredith, Leroy Neff, Dean Blackwell, Russell Duke, Peter Nathan, Richard Paige, Don Ward, Melvin Rhodes, Scott Ashley, John Ogwyn, Ron Kelly etc
The majority of his writings, many of them rare but there are still others missing that need to be found and preserved.
Audios, videos, media articles, resignation letters, doctrinal changes, proofs of a conspiracy
A library of old Plain Truths, Good News, Tomorrow's World, Worldwide News, AC Correspondence Course, books, booklets, reprint articles, Envoys, Hymnals, Youth Bible Lessons, Pastor General's Reports, Ministerial Bulletin, Church of God News, Coworker Letters etc
The BSA was formally organised as an association in 1945 and is is a strictly nonsectarian association with members from a wide variety of seventh-day observing groups groups. It publishes the popular Sabbath Sentinel magazine and a range of books and tracts.
A huge amount of Bible commentaries, helps and handbooks to assist with your Bible studies and research
Even more items to assist with Bible studies
Ancient and modern history of Sabbatarians, various pioneers such as Gilbert Cranmer, Andrew Dugger, Greenberry Rupert etc
A large number of video and audio sermons, Bible studies and presentations on the history of the Church of God and Sabbatarians.
History, doctrinal development, old books and tracts, old periodicals
Links to hundreds of free online books, many of them originally published centuries ago!
Hundreds of books, papers and articles to assist you with your researches. Mainly non-Church of God
The original website of Richard Nickels (1949-2006) preserved
Church of God pioneer for the period c1902-1922
There are a number of calendars that various groups use. Which is the correct one?
A collection of his writings and sermons, rare papers, photographs, original articles, books, articles. Information on Don Hunter who recorded his broadcasts in the 1930s. Also, the Historical Trail in Oregon.
Following the history of Herbert Armstrong and the original Radio Church of God sequentially and geographically from its foundations in Oregon and then its move to California
Old and rare writings, articles letters etc from the 1920s-50s
This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr Herman L Hoeh, in accordance with Rom. 12:10; 13:7; Heb 13:7; Luke 10:16; IITim 2:1-2.
Everyone will be given a chance for salvation. How did this doctrine enter into the Church of God from centuries of neglect? You will find that God does indeed work in mysterious ways
Indexes of WCG magazines, booklets, Letter Answering Dept, Topical Index, AC collection, WCG collection at Fuller's Seminary etc
Books, articles, links (mainly non-Church of God sources)
'Lost' tribes research, National Identities, Origin of Nations, Prophecy articles and charts, US & Britain in prophecy (all editions)
Miscellaneous information including lists of early ministers, policies, periodicals, manuals
Bible Law indexes, D&R doctrine, Economy, Agriculture, Conferences, Pre-Adamic World, World History, Ministers’ grave sites, etc
Hundreds of pages of research on the history of the Church and Sabbatarians
Over 450 pages of Bible studies, articles, charts, tables and research on the tribes of Israel available for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course. Please be aware and respectful of the fact that these will form part of a large book on the subject.
The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies on the period of the Messiah’s reign. Unfortunately, many of these are overlooked or ignored. Rather, they need to be explored and understood
Over 4,600 pages of papers, articles, studies, charts, tables - unique research on Biblical, doctrinal and historical topics
Church of God (Seventh Day) and other groups periodicals since the 1850s!
Hundreds of photographs of Worldwide Church of God & Church of God (Seventh Day) pioneers, Feast of Tabernacles, Ambassador College
Charles Tazed Russell founded the Bible Student movement. He and others at that time researched and wrote on many Biblical doctrines such as a future ‘fair chance’ of salvation for all of mankind, born again culminating in the resurrection etc.
The SDBs can be traced back to the 1500s. The Churches of God emanate from that movement and later alongside it
The SDAs were officially established in the 1860s but have longer roots and influences. They possess libraries and online resources with extensive historical records and archives of the Sabbatarians.
How did the various doctrines come into the Church and be accepted, expanded upon and modified?
The first known baptised members and attendees 1930s-1950s
These represent the only known surviving copies of 1930s periodicals
Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Constitutions since 1946. Media articles, Ministerial Policies & Resources, Conferences, Lists of Ministers since the 1950s etc
History of the various Works outside of the USA
Literature, Bible Bowl, Doctrinal Outlines, Hebrew Calendar research, Church History research, Bible Studies
Mammoth collection of rare papers and research etc by Herman L Hoeh, Kenneth Herrmann, Raymond McNair, Gene Carter, Garner Ted Armstrong etc